Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I am going to start college soon! Any advice from former or present college students?

Please what ever tips you have to offer will help greatly. Go ahead and share your experience; as it will help me in the future. Thank You for your time!I am going to start college soon! Any advice from former or present college students?
My experience has been somewhat different than most since Ive been able to attend more than one university.

The ugly side... yes, you really need to use your time management skills and get things done. Prioritizing is crucial. Yes you do want to go out and party hardy but you also have to study for that test in calculus; so what do you do?? You have to study because such excuses such as ';the dog ate my homework'; wont work in college. So...Study, read, study, take tests, do presentations, write essays. [The above depend on the classes you take]

On the good side...you'll make some great friends and maybe atend some nice parties (do not overdo it tho). You'll get your degree and have your own career, and most probably will be able to get a nice job once ur done. I am going to start college soon! Any advice from former or present college students?
The first year is usually overwhelming. Be prepared for a lot of homework...having only two major exams that determines your grade (usually) means that you definitely have to study hard...you really have to learn how to budget your time, especially if you plan on having a job or doing some kind of extracurricular school activity....

Really, my best advice is to buy a planner and record all due dates, appointments, etc...it really is a pain when you forget about an exam and end up studying at the very last minute!

If you are dorming I really can't help you there...I've never lived on campus...but I hope some of this helps!
study hard, take notes in class. sit at the front of your classroom and don't be late cause some professors aren't so nice. I am at pace university right now and I have someone I study with for every class i'm taking. and have fun because if you don't you really won't like it. (not to much fun)

I am about to start a corporate training seminar company, and would like to get some advice on marketing?

Can you guys please tell me if I should contact the HR departments at local corporations or someone else within those companies?

Also should I try radio, television, and newspaper advertising or just stick with direct mail?

Thanks!I am about to start a corporate training seminar company, and would like to get some advice on marketing?
When you call a company, ask for who is in charge of training. I would stick to direct mail to start. Radio %26amp; TV are very expensive. There are business newspapers that may work. For any advertising, it requires repetitive mailings or ad. The rule of thumb is at least three consecutive contacts or ads to get started.

It is real hard work in the beginning but it will get easier.

Good Luck

Im goin to be buying a pit bull any good advice?

The best advice I can give you is to buy your pup from a Reputable American Pit Bull Terrier Breeder, make sure you are able to see both parents. Good Luck.Im goin to be buying a pit bull any good advice?
when my bf was looking 4 1 he meet the parents did research and played with all the puppies till he found 1 that had the right personality. instead of goin to a breeder go to a local pound they somtimes have great puppies and young dogs. but if you have never owned one do research. hope this helpsIm goin to be buying a pit bull any good advice?
Do your homework on the breed and talk with people who have owned pit bulls. This breed can be a great companion, however it may not do well in all homes or situations. There are some good resources online for more information about the reality of living with this breed such as, Bad Rap. They will list the pros %26amp; cons of the breed and provide good tips on what to expect and how to train them.

There are a high number of pit bulls in animal shelters and if you have other pets or children in your household you might consider going to a reputable rescue organization or breeder. The shelter dogs can make great pets, however you do not know their history or experiences with people and animals.
First DON'T buy one if you'r just looking to have a BIG COOL dog..

If you serious about gtting one for the good thing's the breed has to offer %26amp; YES their are PLENTY of good thing's about them...

You'll need to check in to you'r area's law's about having a Pitt..

Reguardless of what you or I may think their are places you cannot have them at all..

Then look in to the breeder's in you'r area don't go out %26amp; buy the first cute puppy you see..

Do you'r homework on the breed--breeder's %26amp; their dog's..

Interact with the parent's %26amp; fine out if the breeder has a contract %26amp; what is covered in that contract..

Ask for refrences %26amp; talk to past buyer's (Ask LOT'S of question's)

Their are LOT'S of site's you can look at that will help you choose the right puppy for you..

Find a good obiedence class %26amp; sign up..

Once you get you'r puppy give him/hr lot's of love %26amp; have fun !!!

Good Luck :)
Be very loving to him/her. It's all in the upbringing. Just like kids. You raise them right they will be great dogs.
I would opt to adopt one from a local shelter. There are tons of them in shelters due to the bad press they recieve and most are puppies or younger adults. As with any dog, training is key, it's never too early to start. Train him/her well and you'll have a wonderful companion, and a great representative for the breed :) Pit Bulls are great dogs, good luck!
Well, first things first, DON'T teach it to be agressive. I get sooo sick of hearing people talk about how agressive these dogs are, when in reality, they are some of the sweetest dogs. It's not the animal's fault necessarily that it's agressive, it's the people's fault for teaching it to be agressive. Secondly, you should train it from a very early age. Pits are very beautiful dogs, and when they are trained properly, they are so wonderful to have. They are well-mannered and very good listeners, but again, you have to train them when they are real young. Other than that, love the animal and take care of the animal, and you will have a friend for life!!!!
Well don't feel Like if your Pit Bull will hurt you because it won't and if you want to train it try to teach it step by step and don't eat then teach it because it will jump on you on lick you untill you smell like a human to him/her also be nice to him/her and play with him/her when they are little then they will be a fun dog when it grows up.
well people will say stupid things and mean about pits but dont pay ne attiton to there ignorate asses i say if they do say some thing go with what u feel and pay them no attition i have never had a pit but my fam has and they are good dogs they like to play alot well some do thankx i hope i helped
Many people think that Pit Bulls are very mean. I have a boxer/pit mix and she is the sweetest thing ever. Just make sure that who you get it from has great dogs and are not aggressive towards them. They are only mean if you treat them that way. I think that pit's are very beautiful.

I was wondering if anyone can give any advice on online spanish courses?

I was planning to begin taking spanish this coming semester, but the only times that it is offered conflict with more important courses. My only other option is an online version. I have only taken one other online course, and it was very straight forward. I really want to get spanish in but I'm concerned that it may be too difficult to grasp a language online.

Does anyone have any advice, or experience with online language courses?

Thanks!I was wondering if anyone can give any advice on online spanish courses?
I found one interesting story about learning spanish online. It helped me with choosing the right course for me, so I hope it could help you as well. The link is: http://www.lessonsofspanish.com/I was wondering if anyone can give any advice on online spanish courses?
If you can wait I would recommend you do if you've never taken Spanish before. The reason is being in class is very beneficial because you can ask questions quickly, see examples, and talk w/ your classmates about troubling concepts.

If you could take the course online but, go into tutoring hours and devote enough time to the subject then maybe you can work through it. Email the professor or the department and ask for some more specifics because it could be possible but, you will be sorta lacking the support system of your peers...at least I would think. Get some info on the technology they're going to use. It's progressed well so it may suit your needs since you know yourself better than we do.

However, if you don't think you'll have enough time to dedicate to learning it and forcing yourself to learn it then you may want to hold off for dedicated class times and that support/motivation system.

Good luck!
May be this site can help you

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  • What advice should I give my mother for being guilty about reporting my sister .?

    My stole and brother in law stole my parents identity to obtain a loan that theyre no longer paying.We just learned about it when collection agencies started sending notices and calls to our apartment.I need help in how to make her guilt feelings go away.My parents are elderly and I don't want them to feel guilty.Please I need help.What advice should I give my mother for being guilty about reporting my sister .?
    I would sit my mom down and tell her all of the things that she did for and with me throughout my life - all the good memories I would tell her what a great parent she was. Make her feel good about herself. Then tell her that had she not reported your sister, perhaps you would feel that she was not the mother you thought she was, or maybe you would have been disappointed. Let her know that her decision made YOU happy because it reinforces what she taught you. You can't take away her guilt for turning her child in (even though she was right to do it), but you can make her feel good about what kind of a parent she was for you.What advice should I give my mother for being guilty about reporting my sister .?
    Remind mom that if her daughter would steal from her she will steal from anyone. As her mother it is part of her job to teach her right from wrong. By turning them in your mom gave them the best opportunity to learn from their mistakes.

    If your mom continues to feel overtly guilty then perhaps she would benefit from some professional counseling.

    Love in Him,

    Your sister is guilty, not your parents. They aren't responsible for her crime. They aren't responsible for bearing a debt they didn't authorize. I can't help you much more than that.

    Is CAB the best place for free legal advice?

    I've got myself into some problems with finances, nothing major, but it does need to be addressed sooner than later - but I need legal advice for a potential court case.

    What is that best starting point.Is CAB the best place for free legal advice?
    There actually pretty picky on who they help, you must be seen as in need of help and have no where else to turn to. If you ahve a decent income you will be expected to seek legal help from a lawyer. They generally only deal with those on benefits or in serious urgent need. They are really bogged down so unless your in serious need you'll get turned away.

    There are plenty of websites that offer financial and legal help, moneysavingexpert will get you sorted quicker then the CAB will. Also most solicitors offer a 1 hr free session, so ring a few in your area and ask if they can give you a free consulation. they won't be able to help other then explain certain things but there more educated then a cab employee!Is CAB the best place for free legal advice?
    NO! I went to them for help, and got turned away because I ';Did not fit their criteria';. This without being seen by anyone in authority, just the Sudani receptionist.

    There are plenty of other places, try looking in your local free paper, and be careful. You must not pay them anything!

    You may find that your local CAB is bogged down with customers so to speak. There is one of the best web sites ever for financial help it is below and 100% FREE.
    They are quite hard to access sometimes, they aren't always open but if you go and see them they can pass you on to the community legal service.
    Try CAB as the first port of call - you may find they are snowed under and cannot help you. Is there a legal advice centre in your area?

    How much is a shitzu puppy worth & any advice on potty training?

    My shitu puppy i have had since she was 8 weeks old.She has been crate trained %26amp; can hold her pup%26amp; urine for a long time but,still goes in the house. if i dont take her out every 20 to 30 minutes.I have put a bell hanging from the door in the kitchen, hoping she will one day hit it letting me know she has to go to the bathroom. Any tips would help and i cant afford training.Or advice on sitting %26amp; stay tips.How much is a shitzu puppy worth %26amp; any advice on potty training?
    We have 2 Shih Tzu's. They have both been easy to house train as have our others. It depends on how much time you have to spend with your pet on training. We always took ours out every 1/2 hr - 45 minutes telling them ';Let's go potty'; or ';Potty time'; It they got the hang of it in no time. They were all potty trained by the time they were 3 - 3 1/2 months old. You just need to have patience and be steady in your training.

    Shih Tzu's are smart, but they can also be quite stubborn. You just have to stand your ground.

    As for price......... It depends on where you get them from.How much is a shitzu puppy worth %26amp; any advice on potty training?
    I have a shitzu and from my own experience you can train them but you have to be consistent and it will takes a while but once they get it,they gonna do it for the rest of their life....just be patient.I train my shitzu on weewee pads and he really went there whenever he goes pee and he never miss it!They are the sweetest dog you can get!
    free at shelters
    I sold them for 300 each.

    They don't housebreak easily. They aren't brilliant dogs. I loved them. They never bite.
    u have to be patient when training cats and dogs toilet training i have a shitzu also he's such a good boy best thing for u to do is watch how ur dog acts (sniffs around doors etc) that usually means wants to be let out to go to the toilet or circles around itself is also another sign and because shes little shes still learning basic things if u have a garden take her out the back or front and wait to see if she needs to go reward her when she does and praise her she will soon get it hoped i helped

    Any advice from parents/young adults that have been through it?

    Im probably going to ask this in the education section again, but I wanted some advice from parents that have been through it with a teenager of theirs. Im a sophmore in highschool planning on going to college. Im filling out scholarships and applications. I was wondering if anybody has any advice for the teenagers that are going through this. Just general advice, I dont care if its about room and board, tuition, scholarships, SAT, making friends, its whatever. Thanks.Any advice from parents/young adults that have been through it?
    Apply for as many scholarships as you can, I'm sure you know that already. For the SAT, I never took it, I only had to take the ACT. But I recommend taking your PSAT before taking the SAT. Freshman year of college, if you're going somewhere away from home, I suggest living in dorms your first year. That way you get to meet other incoming Freshmans too. It's easier and much faster to make friends that way. Join a student org. if you can in college too, it also helps introduce you to other students. If you become a leader or co-chair in a student org, it'll help build your credentials. If you want a job on campus, I suggest start looking a month before the school year starts, otherwise once school starts, all the good ones will be gone or just about gone. Don't be afraid to get a tutor if you're struggling in a class.

    Oh yeah...good luck!! Hope you get the college that you want.Any advice from parents/young adults that have been through it?
    Both of my boys went through this and are now in college, Fill out the forms on time don't delay . my boys Emailed me on the way to a party good luck.
    Look at all the colleges you can, but don't apply yet. You haven't built up your activities list yet, and not enough of your grades have been confirmed. Don't fill out applications until the summer before your senior year/the beginning of your senior year.

    Take the PSAT, and take SAT preparation classes also. Take the ACT as well; some people find it easier than the SAT. Take the SAT as many times as you can, you'll only benefit.

    Take a college level writing class in high school. It is so much help, trust me. Spend a lot of time on your application essay. If they give you optional questions, answer them.

    During your last few years of high school become involved in activities that relate to your career of choice, and make sure you note them on your college application.

    In January of your senior year, fill our your FAFSA as soon as possible. Get all the financial aid you can before others grab it up.

    Become best friends with www.collegeboard.com

    I'm a freshman in college right now, so I just went through all of this. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me! :)
    Only advice I can really give you is be honest; don't let anyone talk you into looking at a school that you don't like. And it's ok to not know what you want to do yet... my cousin just graduated college a couple months ago, and she changed her major at least twice. So... I'd say go with an undeclared major for the first year and see what classes you like. Also, check out FAFSA.com, because they have all kinds of scholarships and things there. Maybe if you and a friend are thinking of going to the same college, you could get a small place together off campus. That's usually cheaper than trying to live on campus. Best of luck to you!

    My mother is 52, with little savings. What advice can I give her to invest for retirement?

    My mother is 52, and has very little savings if any. She recently ended up empty handed after a bitter divorce. She currently makes about $1200 - $1500 bi-weekly. What advice can I give her to pave the way to retirement this late in the game? The more specific, the better. Please give me some references if you can! Thanks!!My mother is 52, with little savings. What advice can I give her to invest for retirement?
    It is very hard to give specific advice without having access to the full story, and all of your mother's financial information, as well as knowing her personal goals, dreams, and responsibilities.

    At this point, she needs to save every dime possible, if she wants any chance of retiring at a fairly young age. The first step in this process is to drive her expenses to the absolute minimum. I don't mean that she has to eat Top Ramen for the rest of her life, but she should do her best to minimize her fixed expenses, in order to be able to save the maximum amount of money possible. You will need to be careful on your method and manner of saving/investing this money, since she has a short time horizon, but a need for fast growth. This can be a challenge, because she is not really in a position to take huge risks, but she needs an above-average return.

    You should speak to a financial planner in your area. If you want more specific advice, please provide more information.

    I wish you and her the best of luck!My mother is 52, with little savings. What advice can I give her to invest for retirement?
    well recentley in october my grandmother got into a very bitter divorce as well. she only makes about 300 a month. so im sure your mother is doing fine. maybe she should move into an apratment and watch her spending and she should do well.
    I agree with Randall, it is hard to be specific without more info. One thing she should check on is her entitlement to social security through ex-husband(s). I gather this can be significant.

    Your mother's income is pretty good and if she is frugal she ought to be able to save at least 20% of that. If that whole income has been her ';pocket money'; in the past it might be quite a shock for her. Dave Ramsey's ';Financial Peace'; might be helpful.

    52 is not really that old, she has time yet.
    Because of her age, she should pay close attention to her Social Security benefits.

    Tell her to work as long as possible. The longer a person's work history, the larger the monthly benefits Social Security will pay. If she can work until 70, that would be ideal because the boost in benefits for people who wait until 70 is pretty significant, compared to what she could get at her normal full Social Security age (which is probably 66 or so). Even if she collects Social Security based on her ex-husband's Social Security record (which she may be able to do under some circumstances--she should check with the Social Security Administration about this), waiting as long as possible is still advantageous.

    Tell her to participate in any 401(k) plan that is available to her, especially if there is an employer matching contribution.

    Tell her to save as much as she can through IRAs, or taxable accounts. Even a few dollars a week is better than nothing, because over the years, it will add up. While she's starting out her retirement planning kind of late, starting now is better than never starting, and she still has time to build up a decent amount of savings.
    Get her to come live with you and you pay for everything that way she does not have to worry about anything at all!!!

    Things have to be 'just right' with people at work....advice?

    At work, i have to feel like i'm getting along with everybody, or else i feel really, really bad. I get anxious easily and like to feel secure at my job.

    This is also a problem elsewhere...even people i meet on the street. I have to feel like i'm getting along with everybody and don't want to offend anyone. Help!?Things have to be 'just right' with people at work....advice?
    I am the same way. I tend to be over friendly at times and people have even told me that. I too do not like to offend anyone and end up just sounding stupid when I say anything anymore in hopes of not making someone mad. This comes from a bad past I have and I think it has made me feel I have to be over friendly to avoid problems. The problem is, people run over me more than they used to because I can't hardly stand up for myself. I am trying to get better. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself , even if that means making someone mad. I am trying to teach myself this. Good luck:)
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  • What advice do u have if I were to move to NYC for the first time?

    What area would suit me money wise if I were to just work in retail working probably like 40hrs a week. Can I get a studio or a 1br apartment making probably like 7-8$ an hr?What advice do u have if I were to move to NYC for the first time?
    I hate to burst your bubble but you will not survive on $7-8 an hour here. Not even if you live in the crappiest apartment in the worst neighborhood. Studios in Manhattan are around $2000 a month. In the other boroughs, they probably start around $800. Trust me, I have to live in Bronx and I make over $60,000 a year (which does not go very far in NYC). You will need to get many roommates and probably live somewhere like the BX or Staten Island to keep from sleeping on the street.

    If you move here, make sure you have a ton of money saved up. If possible, try to get a job before you arrive. And if I were you, I would not work retail. I would try to find something more lucrative if I want to stay here for awhile.What advice do u have if I were to move to NYC for the first time?
    my advice would be do it or regret it. It is going to be hard (and I you will make more than $7-$8/hour, do some research). I still regret not moving into the city sooner (waited til I was 30, so I could afford a nice place, but I missed out on so much)
    Umm, no you cannot get even a room if you work 40 hours a week and make 10 dollars an hour. A small apartment in NYC will run at minimum around 1200 a month. After taxes 10 bucks an hour is only 300 a week. So it would be undoable. Even the cheapest area with more than an hour commute would be 700-900 a month.....so paying bills other than rent would even be tough...A metrocard is 74 a month.
    Does the apartment have to be in a relatively safe neighborhood and have those little extras like heat, electricity, running water, doors, and glass in the windows? Or how many other families are you willing to share a room with?
    Your kidding right???

    1st off even McDonalds pays more that $8.00 an hour in NY.
    Is this a joke?! I don't mean to be the one to burst your bubble, but you can't live in NY off that salary. I make about $50,000 a year and I'm living close to poverty here.

    It's not that it wouldn't be pretty to live in NY off $8, but it's just not possible. Even a studio in the worst neighborhood in NY is going to cost $1000 a month.

    Is CAB the best place for free legal advice?

    I've got myself into some problems with finances, nothing major, but it does need to be addressed sooner than later - but I need legal advice for a potential court case.

    What is that best starting point.Is CAB the best place for free legal advice?
    There actually pretty picky on who they help, you must be seen as in need of help and have no where else to turn to. If you ahve a decent income you will be expected to seek legal help from a lawyer. They generally only deal with those on benefits or in serious urgent need. They are really bogged down so unless your in serious need you'll get turned away.

    There are plenty of websites that offer financial and legal help, moneysavingexpert will get you sorted quicker then the CAB will. Also most solicitors offer a 1 hr free session, so ring a few in your area and ask if they can give you a free consulation. they won't be able to help other then explain certain things but there more educated then a cab employee!Is CAB the best place for free legal advice?
    NO! I went to them for help, and got turned away because I ';Did not fit their criteria';. This without being seen by anyone in authority, just the Sudani receptionist.

    There are plenty of other places, try looking in your local free paper, and be careful. You must not pay them anything!

    You may find that your local CAB is bogged down with customers so to speak. There is one of the best web sites ever for financial help it is below and 100% FREE.
    They are quite hard to access sometimes, they aren't always open but if you go and see them they can pass you on to the community legal service.
    Try CAB as the first port of call - you may find they are snowed under and cannot help you. Is there a legal advice centre in your area?

    How much is a shitzu puppy worth & any advice on potty training?

    My shitu puppy i have had since she was 8 weeks old.She has been crate trained %26amp; can hold her pup%26amp; urine for a long time but,still goes in the house. if i dont take her out every 20 to 30 minutes.I have put a bell hanging from the door in the kitchen, hoping she will one day hit it letting me know she has to go to the bathroom. Any tips would help and i cant afford training.Or advice on sitting %26amp; stay tips.How much is a shitzu puppy worth %26amp; any advice on potty training?
    We have 2 Shih Tzu's. They have both been easy to house train as have our others. It depends on how much time you have to spend with your pet on training. We always took ours out every 1/2 hr - 45 minutes telling them ';Let's go potty'; or ';Potty time'; It they got the hang of it in no time. They were all potty trained by the time they were 3 - 3 1/2 months old. You just need to have patience and be steady in your training.

    Shih Tzu's are smart, but they can also be quite stubborn. You just have to stand your ground.

    As for price......... It depends on where you get them from.How much is a shitzu puppy worth %26amp; any advice on potty training?
    I have a shitzu and from my own experience you can train them but you have to be consistent and it will takes a while but once they get it,they gonna do it for the rest of their life....just be patient.I train my shitzu on weewee pads and he really went there whenever he goes pee and he never miss it!They are the sweetest dog you can get!
    free at shelters
    I sold them for 300 each.

    They don't housebreak easily. They aren't brilliant dogs. I loved them. They never bite.
    u have to be patient when training cats and dogs toilet training i have a shitzu also he's such a good boy best thing for u to do is watch how ur dog acts (sniffs around doors etc) that usually means wants to be let out to go to the toilet or circles around itself is also another sign and because shes little shes still learning basic things if u have a garden take her out the back or front and wait to see if she needs to go reward her when she does and praise her she will soon get it hoped i helped

    Any advice from parents/young adults that have been through it?

    Im probably going to ask this in the education section again, but I wanted some advice from parents that have been through it with a teenager of theirs. Im a sophmore in highschool planning on going to college. Im filling out scholarships and applications. I was wondering if anybody has any advice for the teenagers that are going through this. Just general advice, I dont care if its about room and board, tuition, scholarships, SAT, making friends, its whatever. Thanks.Any advice from parents/young adults that have been through it?
    Apply for as many scholarships as you can, I'm sure you know that already. For the SAT, I never took it, I only had to take the ACT. But I recommend taking your PSAT before taking the SAT. Freshman year of college, if you're going somewhere away from home, I suggest living in dorms your first year. That way you get to meet other incoming Freshmans too. It's easier and much faster to make friends that way. Join a student org. if you can in college too, it also helps introduce you to other students. If you become a leader or co-chair in a student org, it'll help build your credentials. If you want a job on campus, I suggest start looking a month before the school year starts, otherwise once school starts, all the good ones will be gone or just about gone. Don't be afraid to get a tutor if you're struggling in a class.

    Oh yeah...good luck!! Hope you get the college that you want.Any advice from parents/young adults that have been through it?
    Both of my boys went through this and are now in college, Fill out the forms on time don't delay . my boys Emailed me on the way to a party good luck.
    Look at all the colleges you can, but don't apply yet. You haven't built up your activities list yet, and not enough of your grades have been confirmed. Don't fill out applications until the summer before your senior year/the beginning of your senior year.

    Take the PSAT, and take SAT preparation classes also. Take the ACT as well; some people find it easier than the SAT. Take the SAT as many times as you can, you'll only benefit.

    Take a college level writing class in high school. It is so much help, trust me. Spend a lot of time on your application essay. If they give you optional questions, answer them.

    During your last few years of high school become involved in activities that relate to your career of choice, and make sure you note them on your college application.

    In January of your senior year, fill our your FAFSA as soon as possible. Get all the financial aid you can before others grab it up.

    Become best friends with www.collegeboard.com

    I'm a freshman in college right now, so I just went through all of this. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me! :)
    Only advice I can really give you is be honest; don't let anyone talk you into looking at a school that you don't like. And it's ok to not know what you want to do yet... my cousin just graduated college a couple months ago, and she changed her major at least twice. So... I'd say go with an undeclared major for the first year and see what classes you like. Also, check out FAFSA.com, because they have all kinds of scholarships and things there. Maybe if you and a friend are thinking of going to the same college, you could get a small place together off campus. That's usually cheaper than trying to live on campus. Best of luck to you!

    My mother is 52, with little savings. What advice can I give her to invest for retirement?

    My mother is 52, and has very little savings if any. She recently ended up empty handed after a bitter divorce. She currently makes about $1200 - $1500 bi-weekly. What advice can I give her to pave the way to retirement this late in the game? The more specific, the better. Please give me some references if you can! Thanks!!My mother is 52, with little savings. What advice can I give her to invest for retirement?
    It is very hard to give specific advice without having access to the full story, and all of your mother's financial information, as well as knowing her personal goals, dreams, and responsibilities.

    At this point, she needs to save every dime possible, if she wants any chance of retiring at a fairly young age. The first step in this process is to drive her expenses to the absolute minimum. I don't mean that she has to eat Top Ramen for the rest of her life, but she should do her best to minimize her fixed expenses, in order to be able to save the maximum amount of money possible. You will need to be careful on your method and manner of saving/investing this money, since she has a short time horizon, but a need for fast growth. This can be a challenge, because she is not really in a position to take huge risks, but she needs an above-average return.

    You should speak to a financial planner in your area. If you want more specific advice, please provide more information.

    I wish you and her the best of luck!My mother is 52, with little savings. What advice can I give her to invest for retirement?
    well recentley in october my grandmother got into a very bitter divorce as well. she only makes about 300 a month. so im sure your mother is doing fine. maybe she should move into an apratment and watch her spending and she should do well.
    I agree with Randall, it is hard to be specific without more info. One thing she should check on is her entitlement to social security through ex-husband(s). I gather this can be significant.

    Your mother's income is pretty good and if she is frugal she ought to be able to save at least 20% of that. If that whole income has been her ';pocket money'; in the past it might be quite a shock for her. Dave Ramsey's ';Financial Peace'; might be helpful.

    52 is not really that old, she has time yet.
    Because of her age, she should pay close attention to her Social Security benefits.

    Tell her to work as long as possible. The longer a person's work history, the larger the monthly benefits Social Security will pay. If she can work until 70, that would be ideal because the boost in benefits for people who wait until 70 is pretty significant, compared to what she could get at her normal full Social Security age (which is probably 66 or so). Even if she collects Social Security based on her ex-husband's Social Security record (which she may be able to do under some circumstances--she should check with the Social Security Administration about this), waiting as long as possible is still advantageous.

    Tell her to participate in any 401(k) plan that is available to her, especially if there is an employer matching contribution.

    Tell her to save as much as she can through IRAs, or taxable accounts. Even a few dollars a week is better than nothing, because over the years, it will add up. While she's starting out her retirement planning kind of late, starting now is better than never starting, and she still has time to build up a decent amount of savings.
    Get her to come live with you and you pay for everything that way she does not have to worry about anything at all!!!

    Things have to be 'just right' with people at work....advice?

    At work, i have to feel like i'm getting along with everybody, or else i feel really, really bad. I get anxious easily and like to feel secure at my job.

    This is also a problem elsewhere...even people i meet on the street. I have to feel like i'm getting along with everybody and don't want to offend anyone. Help!?Things have to be 'just right' with people at work....advice?
    I am the same way. I tend to be over friendly at times and people have even told me that. I too do not like to offend anyone and end up just sounding stupid when I say anything anymore in hopes of not making someone mad. This comes from a bad past I have and I think it has made me feel I have to be over friendly to avoid problems. The problem is, people run over me more than they used to because I can't hardly stand up for myself. I am trying to get better. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself , even if that means making someone mad. I am trying to teach myself this. Good luck:)
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  • What advice do u have if I were to move to NYC for the first time?

    What area would suit me money wise if I were to just work in retail working probably like 40hrs a week. Can I get a studio or a 1br apartment making probably like 7-8$ an hr?What advice do u have if I were to move to NYC for the first time?
    I hate to burst your bubble but you will not survive on $7-8 an hour here. Not even if you live in the crappiest apartment in the worst neighborhood. Studios in Manhattan are around $2000 a month. In the other boroughs, they probably start around $800. Trust me, I have to live in Bronx and I make over $60,000 a year (which does not go very far in NYC). You will need to get many roommates and probably live somewhere like the BX or Staten Island to keep from sleeping on the street.

    If you move here, make sure you have a ton of money saved up. If possible, try to get a job before you arrive. And if I were you, I would not work retail. I would try to find something more lucrative if I want to stay here for awhile.What advice do u have if I were to move to NYC for the first time?
    my advice would be do it or regret it. It is going to be hard (and I you will make more than $7-$8/hour, do some research). I still regret not moving into the city sooner (waited til I was 30, so I could afford a nice place, but I missed out on so much)
    Umm, no you cannot get even a room if you work 40 hours a week and make 10 dollars an hour. A small apartment in NYC will run at minimum around 1200 a month. After taxes 10 bucks an hour is only 300 a week. So it would be undoable. Even the cheapest area with more than an hour commute would be 700-900 a month.....so paying bills other than rent would even be tough...A metrocard is 74 a month.
    Does the apartment have to be in a relatively safe neighborhood and have those little extras like heat, electricity, running water, doors, and glass in the windows? Or how many other families are you willing to share a room with?
    Your kidding right???

    1st off even McDonalds pays more that $8.00 an hour in NY.
    Is this a joke?! I don't mean to be the one to burst your bubble, but you can't live in NY off that salary. I make about $50,000 a year and I'm living close to poverty here.

    It's not that it wouldn't be pretty to live in NY off $8, but it's just not possible. Even a studio in the worst neighborhood in NY is going to cost $1000 a month.

    Poker advice: what is the best way to play a low pocket pair pre-flop?

    I'm getting quite good at poker now, but there's still many things I'm doing wrong. Say I have a pair of 4's. What is the best way to play them pre-flop - because obviously all it takes is a 5 on the flop and someone to have a pocket five and my hand is useless. Also - if I have a great hand ON the flop, is it better to raise and hope no-one folds, or just check and run the risk of losing the advantage on the turn?Poker advice: what is the best way to play a low pocket pair pre-flop?
    Basically, with the low pocket pairs, you are looking to flop a set. Anything else is garbage even straight and flush draws. Understand that you will flop a set for your pocket pairs only 11% of the time.

    That being said, if you are the first to enter a pot, throw in a standard 3-4xBB raise. If you take the pot down now and only get the blinds, thats ok. Your pocket pairs are vulnerable to any over cards. If you get played back at you may have to let it go. If someone just calls and you flop a set your hand will be well disguised.

    If you are not the first to enter the pot, try to get in as cheaply as possible. If there has been no raise in front of you just call. If there was a raise ahead of you strongly consider folding unless you are on the button (remember, you are only going to flop a set 11% of the time.) If you are on the button and the raise is not a major chunk of your stack consider calling and trying to flop a set.

    If you miss your set on the flop, make a continuation bet if you were the preflop raiser and be prepared to give up if you get played back at. If you were not the preflop raiser, check if it is checked to you. If there is a bet before you strongly consider folding if there are over cards to your pair.

    If you flop a set and the flop is ragged (i.e. no str8 or flush draws) you can go for the check-raise. If the flop is not ragged you have to punish anyone trying to draw out on you. In this case you have to make at least a pot-sized bet.

    This is how I play the small pocket pairs.Poker advice: what is the best way to play a low pocket pair pre-flop?
    Low pocket pairs need to be play cautiously with the idea of getting cheap into the pot in order to hit trips.

    If there has been a raise and/or a re-raise then these low pocket pair need to be thrown away.

    If heads up then low pairs need to be played aggressively.

    If you call and the flop gives nothing then you have to fold the low pair to a raise because your going you're most likely to be beaten.

    If you have a great hand on the flop then raise if for example you have a straight but the flop can easily give someone a flush. If you have the nuts on the flop then you should be checking in order to trap the oppenent into betting.



    Any advice? What activity is good to use for an oral presentation in class? ?

    Im doing a project for geography. It for high school. %26amp; part of my project is an oral presentation in front of the class. I need to do something creative about child labor and sweatshops so our presentation isnt so boring like just talking bout the issue. we can do a game. but i dont know any that we can do.. we need something to do for the class to get involved, so they can understand what we are trying to explain... any ideas or suggestions?

    Any advice? What activity is good to use for an oral presentation in class? ?
    off the top of my head, a game you could try to get the class involved would be Dumb Charades.

    fill a bowl with folded paper that has various activities that little children are involved in - 'child labor', as well as normal child activities [playing, studying...].

    you can divide the class into 2 groups. have a person come up %26amp; pick a chit %26amp; act it out in front of the group.

    there are 2 things that the group has to answer -

    what is the activity being performed [enacted]?

    and is it legal for that age group?

    thus, you will be doing many things at a time - not just speaking/focusing on child labor, but also the positive alternatives....

    make word games such as - crossword , word search , complete the word , ... using terms, concepts, clues, scenarios from your presentation.

    create anecdotal stories about fictitious children who are working in diff fields. leave the story incomplete - ask the class to complete it or give alternatives %26amp; solutions -- again, constructivism %26amp; positivism by placing ';oneself in others' shoes ';.

    have a few humorous ones too.

    hope this inspires more ideas

    all the very best %26amp; have funAny advice? What activity is good to use for an oral presentation in class? ?
    you could find / make a video that puts your point across in a powerful way

    Is there anyone who can provide probono legal advice regarding a tram fine in Melbourne could they contact me?

    RE tram fine and difference between feeling dizzy and just forgeting to get a ticket?Is there anyone who can provide probono legal advice regarding a tram fine in Melbourne could they contact me?
    In NSW, there is a Law Access centre/site that you can telephone. Try a google on legal advice centres for Vic and you might strike it lucky.

    Just my 2c, I doubt if you have much hope of getting off the fine. you might be able to take it to court and tell a good story to the judge, but if you loose, you will probably be up for court costs as well as the fine.

    But try for a local law access centre first.Is there anyone who can provide probono legal advice regarding a tram fine in Melbourne could they contact me?

    What Advice Would You Give To People of the Same Sex Who's Age Range is of Your Last School?

    Not necessarily of the actual school but if your in high school, what would your advice be to current middle schoolers, current middle schoolers, elementary, and so on.

    For me, my advice to all high school girls is to always date a nerd, if possible. They will treat you the way you want to be treated(for the most part :)

    Studying really does work(lol).

    Girls are catty. It's in our nature, especially as teenagers.What Advice Would You Give To People of the Same Sex Who's Age Range is of Your Last School?
    ...when blood rushes to the head...think with your mind...What Advice Would You Give To People of the Same Sex Who's Age Range is of Your Last School?
    I'd tell girls not to be in a rush to grow up and do mature things because it will come with time, and by doing it too early could possibly lead to many preventable problems.

    What motivation is there to improve wildfire safety advice ?

    Someone aeons ago gave the advice ';stay behind'; stay in your house, even if it doesn't have a bunker. The more people killed following this advice, the less motivation for changing the advice (thereby admitting the earlier advice was less than optimal).What motivation is there to improve wildfire safety advice ?
    Why wouldn't anyone want to admit that earlier advice could be flawed, especially in such a serious matter? I can understand them wanting to preserve the image of infallibility in order to keep people listening to the advice; but if the original advice is less than optimal (i.e. demonstrated to be incorrect by the events of the real world) then there is no point in giving it in the first place.
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  • Any advice for pre-teens out there who are more developed than their classmates?

    It is hard out there for pre-teens who have already started their cycle, developed breasts and are taller and weigh more than their friends in the same class at school.Any advice for pre-teens out there who are more developed than their classmates?
    It's puberty, everyone hits it at different times. Some people just hit it earlier than others. Basically your body's going through ALOT of changes right now and it'll take some getting used to.

    The best advice I can give is to see if your school offers a health or sex ed. class. If your parents don't want you taking that (it's been a while since I was in school, so I'm not sure if you still need parental consent for those classes) you could also talk to your parents directly about this. I know, I know, I sound old saying that, but it works. Alternatively, speak to your family doctor. Heck, even the school nurse. All those resources should be helpful.Any advice for pre-teens out there who are more developed than their classmates?
    i would explain that everyone goes through puberty and it is better to go through it sooner than later. explain that the menstral cycle is natural and nothing to be ashamed of. pre-teen puts them in like 5/6 grade; ther isnt sex ed or health in your kids school to go through that kinda stuff?
    its totally normal and you'll start having guys around you more, which can be nice for girls if you are having trouble with peers teasing someone developing faster than peers contact an adult in school or at home, they can help you more than you think, believe me you'll be smiling when the jerk teasing you is suspended
    You may feel awkward, but just remember that lots of girls are actually jealous of you. Stand tall, be proud of yourself, and have confidence. If you believe you look good and that you're a good person, other people will believe it too.
    Try to hide it by wearing cloths that make you look slimmer,workout a whole lot,eat less,don't where tight cloths, orbaggy cloths.
    you'll be happy you have boobs later

    dont stress it, you'll have a more developed mature more pretty face too

    Don't worry about it...

    Be happy you have breasts.

    Need advice on being the room mom for the first time?

    Hi Moms. I am excited about being room mom for the first time this year for my son's kindergarten class. My first project is planning the Halloween party. Could you please give me some suggestions or any advice from successful events you have planned as a room mom? For example, are there any games that went over well at Halloween parties?

    Also, any tips or advice on getting parents to help and send stuff for parties? Should I plan on doing most of it myself or are parents pretty helpful? Thank you so much!Need advice on being the room mom for the first time?
    I was a room mother last year for my son's 1st grade class as well. All the mothers who participated on being room mothers were all helpful. Each of us played our parts especially in the organization of the holiday parties which are the most hectic.We were only 4 mother out of 22 kids so we managed ok. Regarding other parents whom are not Room Mothers I wouldn't so much rely on them;however as a kind gesture you can cordially invite them to help in the preparation but mainly its just the room mothers who do it all.Need advice on being the room mom for the first time?
    Hi there... you may want to check out CmomGo.com. One of the exact uses is for room moms! It will help manage the communication plus you can have a little fun along the way...

    Report Abuse

    this website is pretty good i found for mothers, may help you understand it a little better? SAHManswers.com

    Is there a website where I can offer advice on finding a lost cat?

    I just got back from a road trip where I lost my cat in rural Indiana for 3 days, but I got him back by baiting a live trap at night exactly where we lost him! If I had found this idea online, it would have helped us to find him much more quickly. I want to help other people who are trying to find their lost cats (especially those who were lost while travelling). All I've found online is places to share heart-warming stories, which is great but not quite what I'm looking for.Is there a website where I can offer advice on finding a lost cat?
    keep your eyes peeled here. That is a good idea, and I'll pass it along if you don't mind. I'm so glad someone else wants to educate cat people. Sometimes love just isn't enough. I try to pass along good web sites like these -

    and wish other people would too. Thanks for the idea.

    http://www.littlebigcat.com/index.php?ac鈥?/a> (go to the library of articles!)



    hope these are helpfulIs there a website where I can offer advice on finding a lost cat?
    does ur cathave a chip if it does there is a website to track them on maps but it depends what country the cat was chipped in.

    What is the single most important gift of advice you have ever received?

    How did this advice change your life?

    For me, it was: ';You can choose to NOT be angry.';

    This gift of advice gave me conscious control of my emotions. By choosing to not be angry, I can be displeased with something and yet choose to not allow myself to become angry over it, when I would normally be very angry.

    Choosing to not be angry is an incredible power of self-control.

    NOTE: To all who respond. Please use my example as a blueprint. Provide just ONE gift of advice - THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE. And explain how it changed your life (which would clarify why it is the most imortant one).

    Thanks to all.

    A. Qurius MuseWhat is the single most important gift of advice you have ever received?
    I have received a lot of good advice in my life, so it's hard to know where start! Great question, thanks for asking it!

    I like this one in particular though, because it's so true. A teaching assistant once taught me that:

    ';You can be arrogant, or you can be stupid, but you can't be both.';

    Smart, arrogant people can't be sexy! However, the majority of arrogant people are pretty dumb. Every time one of them gets on their high horse, I think about this quote, and it makes me laugh!What is the single most important gift of advice you have ever received?
    '; It doesn't matter if anyone believes in your dreams - just because they think their opinion matter doesn't give them a right to vote on the success of your life! It'd be nice, it'd be help-full, but it's not necessary. God gave YOU the ability to achieve your dreams.'; - Pat Schatzline

    These statements changed my life because they revolutionized the way I think about my future - now it's not dependent on the kindness of a publishing house or the ability of someone else to see where my dreams are going; now it's just the end result of a wild and adventurous process.
    To take my bad experiences and start looking at them like learning experiences. So as not to make the same mistakes twice.

    This changed my life because for so long my life was bad, bad, and more bad. I started to fall apart and was always feeling sorry for myself and waiting for someone else to come along and fix my mistakes. And while I was waitng my life was passing by and I was making the same mistakes again and again.

    Those words just hit me in the face. I realized only I could change, I couldn't change the people in my life.

    My whole perspective on everything changed. I live different now. I'm happy now. Instead of crying and staying in bed for days when I get kicked down, I learn from it, I walk away with a new experience, maybe those experiences can help someone else.

    One more

    '; listen with caution, blind acceptance can be hazzardous to your health';

    That one is self explanatory.
    Learn To Listen

    Expose Your Self to that you wish to be..and anything relateting to or an extention of it..Remember your are what you eat.Nurture your ingestation..Man lives not by bread alone
    That we should be the change we wish to see in the world... it wasn't given specifically given to me, I saw it on a T-shirt.
    You are your own person and no one should be able to change you. Only you should to that. Make your own choices with the advice of others.
    ';Dream as if youll live forever, live as if youll die tomorrow';
    A teacher once responded to my first question, ';Probably';, then to my second question, ';Probably';, then to my third question, ';Probably'; and to my forth and fifth. At first I could not understand, but as time goes on, I understand him a bit more.
    Learn to rely on yourself and not others.

    Doesn't mean not to form relationships, but it means have some dignity and always know that you're in charge of your life.

    Best piece of advice my mother ever gave me....
    ';There will always be someone who hates you or disagrees with your choices. Do what you think is right for you.';

    This advice helped me to not worry about what others think of me and not listen to naysayers. It helped to feel more confident in my decisions because I am able to remove the guilt that comes from wanting to not make anyone else upset. Today, I am okay with having fewer friends because now I have friends who respect and support my right to live my life the way I see fit.
    Always tell the turth. Then I don't have to worry about a lie I told.
    suck it up b*tch

    Made me realize sulking was a waste of time.
    The advice was to for once in your life ask yourself why you believe what you believe and then to systematically examine your beliefs and prove to yourself that your beliefs are based upon reality. The advice is also sometimes stated as -

    place your trust not in what your parents have taught you no in what learned elders have taught you not in what ';the wise'; have taught you , but in what you have proven to yourself.

    Sometimes told to others as -

    Don't believe what I say just because I say it.

    First time I came across this advice I was about 14 years of age and read it in a discourse by Rene Descartes (creator of the Cartesian coordinate system) and also credited with the saying ';I think therefore I am';.

    Descartes postulated that most of our beliefs are based upon what we have been told is true and little is based upon what we have found to be true for ourselves.

    Your ';you can choose to be angry';

    had no meaning to you until you examined it and proved it to yourself to be true.

    At some point you were taught to be angry and that anger was a normal response to something. You ';unlearned'; this and proved to yourself something different.
    For me:

    ';Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. ';

    This gift, helped further my faith and see miracles (literally) happen in my life. Also it makes easier to face things knowing He is facing them with/for me and victory is 100% there in every test of life.

    Is it better to ask complete strangers for advice rather than the ones you are closest to?

    If not, then why do so many people ask for advice on here rather than go to their loved ones?Is it better to ask complete strangers for advice rather than the ones you are closest to?
    Psychologists have done many studies on this. Some people disclose all sorta things to strangers on trains. Probably because the stranger will never see you again. They also have an objective view into your life - they are not enmeshed with you and your family. They are like a pseudo-counselor that gives you an objective second opinion.

    Loved ones usually have an agenda they are going to project onto you. They do not give objective advice usually, because sometimes they don't want to hurt your feelings or maybe because they don't know what they are taking about (your parents are a different matter, I am talking about extended family).

    That is maybe one of the reasons they seek an objective second opinion of a stranger.Is it better to ask complete strangers for advice rather than the ones you are closest to?
    Well, there are a lot more people on this site than you can dig up at home. However, it is true that you probably might want tp decide that yourself. You're loved ones may not want to hurt you or may want to ignore it. It reakky depends on the question. If it is something that is personal that some has to have an in-depth knowledge of you, you're personality, habits...etc, than I suggest you're family. Otherwise, on here there are more people and they all have different aproaches to certain things.

    Hope this helps, ;-).
    because loved ones or close friends might give you the wrong advice/answer so they wont hurt your feelings or ruin your friendship..strangers for the most part don't care..they don't know you so what the heck..tell it like it is
    strangers because they dnt have to lie to protect ur feelings but.....
    :P I'd say aska stranger xD

    They don't know you so they won't bother lying to protect your feelings. xD


    If you could talk to rick hendrick and give him advice what would it be?

    he already took mine take casey outIf you could talk to rick hendrick and give him advice what would it be?
    I think with the recent success of Hendrick, I would have no advice to give, I'd ask questions and RECIEVE advice instead.If you could talk to rick hendrick and give him advice what would it be?
    Hire a driver and or crew chief that actually has a personality and isn't so cookie cutter, someone who has a great resume but has an attitude. Maybe someone like Jeremy Mayfield or Regan Smith. Maybe a Jimmy Fennig or Pat Tryson. No that will never happen. He swaps Casey Mears for Mark Martin. WOW how exciting is that? His teams win, but how BORING!! Give me Kurt or Kyle Busch, Tony Stewart, Kevin Harvick, Denny Hamlin, anyone with a set of knads.
    Keep up the good work. But, I don't see him taking much advice from any of us!

    Don't put as much value into what a drivers last name is when making future decisions on who to hire and who to let go.
    Keep doing what your doing.
    Get a haircut....
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  • Soon to be first time dad,what should I expect? Advice?

    My first child is on the way,the soon to be mom is 7 months. What should I expect going into the last months and birth if she's had REALLY bad mood swings throughout the whole pregnancy?Soon to be first time dad,what should I expect? Advice?
    The mom will be having more and more trouble finding a comfortable position to sleep. Pillows help, but take up a lot of room on the bed. If she's snoring more, don't be surprised, either.

    Bad mood swings are likely due to hormones, but this should not affect the labor. For labor, all you can do is prepare yourselves the best you know how and just understand that it may go as planned or differently.

    My labor didn't go the way I wanted(an easy basic delivery achieved through the power of breathing techniques) and I ended up needing a c-section. It was worth it, though, because I have a wonderful baby girl who is almost 10 months old.

    The first three weeks were the hardest. It was like boot camp and it was harder because of the surgery. My husband was great and really there, even when he was at his wit's end.

    There's a sense out there that everyone experiences some sort of magic when their baby is born and they are instantly in love and bestowed with magical parenting abilities and instincts. This is not necessarily the case. So what ever you are or aren't feeling, it's okay.

    Babies cry.

    Yes, I know you knew that, but ours cried when we changed her diaper, picked her up, put her down, or moved her in any way. I think that was just her way of letting us know she recognized there was movement. That eased up when she was 2 weeks old and my husband was thrilled at the first 'cry-free' diaper change.

    You just have to be open to taking things as they come and having a friend or parents to call, in the event that your sleepless brain is frying is a huge help.

    For the first 3 months, baby's developing nervous systems have difficulty in terms of calming when upset. The best thing is to hold them. If they cry, try feeding, check diaper, and then just hold them close to your body. They really like skin to skin contact and it helps development. Ours would always calm down when held, and especially liked skin to skin contact. In those first 3 months, hold the baby whenever he/she needs holding. You will not spoil the baby by holding him/her too much. Our baby began sleeping in her own crib at 2 months and is now mostly sleeping through the night.

    Everyone and their mother will be giving you advice(You hold her too much-you'll spoil her. You need to start feeding solid foods at 3 months(no doctor would recommend that). You should let her cry it out. Blah blah blah.) My mom's sister told her she should stop nursing me when I was 5 months and my mom felt pressured to listen because her sister already had an older child. Advice may be helpful to hear and may even be good, but, ultimately you and the mom are going to have your own instincts about your baby.

    One last piece of advice: It goes by SO FAST! Enjoy every stage and don't just wish for them to be able to feed themselves or whatever. I was just looking at photos of when ours was 1 month and I can't believe how the time has flown by. So just enjoy each stage and each day and each smile and burp and those tiny fingers and toes because those tiny fingers and toes will be big before you know it and you'll wonder where the time went.

    Congratulations and good luck to you and your family!Soon to be first time dad,what should I expect? Advice?
    First off expect a baby. Next no one can tell u how to become a dad no matter how many books u read nothing can prepare u for this moment in your life. All I can say is that it will be worth it. (oh and P.S. if the mom is havng a bad time be there for her)
    Check out some of these books:



    Good luck and congratulations!
    Oh congrats..Just read a lot about it...There is a book called what to expect for dads...Give her lots of tummy rubs and back rubs and feet....
    Your main answers for any of her questions regardless of what she asks, are as follows:


    NO you dont look fat
    My dads got scars on his chest from where my mum grabbed him during birth
    Be there for your partner. She'll balloon in the next couple of months, and be more like a tortoise than a hare. She'll find most aspects of life very difficult. Don't rush her, and be patient with her.

    Support her through labour, and really listen to her. She will know what she needs while she is birthing your baby.

    Please don't get upset if she tells you to leave her alone during proceedings. Labour is an emotional time for a woman, and sometimes women are very private over matters like this. I often told my husband that when I had a baby, I'd be like my cat when she birthed her kittens - I'd squirrel myself away as best I could (depending on the situation) and be totally by myself. As it turned out, I had a medically necessary c-section, which was wonderfully positive, and very comfortable.

    If this is her first baby, she'll also be all over the place with her emotions. Becoming a first time mum is very confronting and difficult for a woman if she hasn't had any experience with children before her baby is born. Give her time to bond with your baby, and get used to being a mother (even if that means leaving the two of them totally alone for a few hours after birth). Don't be alarmed if at some point, you walk into her hospital room and find her sitting on the bed, cradling the baby and crying her eyes out. I cried for a full day a couple of days after my daughter was born, because I was so overwhelmed, confused and scared.

    Your partner can help the baby by being there for him or her, constantly, for the first five months of his/her life. My daughter is a very secure little girl, because I did just that for her until she was six months old. I slept in the nursery with her, and got up to her every little squawk. She's now infectiously happy, and very confident.

    Your baby will probably have what seems like constant wind. My daughter was very ';colicky'; when she was little, so I learned a lot about how to deal with it.

    Pop him or her over your shoulder and rub/pat until he/she burps. It takes forever when the baby is young, but as they get older, they will burp themselves if you pop them over your shoulder and give them a couple of gentle rubs.

    A tip that a friend taught me to send a young baby to sleep is to hold them for 20 minutes. This may be obvious, but when you are at your wits end in the early days, it is like a heavenly cure.

    I hope my rambling answer helps in some way! Remember that it will only get better (hard to believe in the early days...they seem like endless night!). Good luck to you both!!

    Any advice for the owner of a dog that is attached to one person?

    Not literally attached - although you would almost think so - our rat terrier is crazy about my wife: greets her, follows her everywhere, obeys her commands, will do none of this for me. He's a puppy, just over 6 months old. Is there anything we can do to get him to take more of a shining to me? I've tried spending time with him, giving him treats (which he won't even take from me sometimes), etc., all of the common sense things that you would think would work. If not, is it possible he'll grow out of this when he gets older? We've had him about 2 months and he still barks when I come home from work - you'd think he'd be used to me by now.Any advice for the owner of a dog that is attached to one person?
    Sounds like he ignores you and does not recognize you as the authority figure.

    Walk him and when you do make him heel and you lead.

    Make him follow. You start feeding him once or twicer per day.

    You do any type of training with him at least one time per day.

    Once you start showing him you are the leader he will learn to take direction from you as well as your wife.Any advice for the owner of a dog that is attached to one person?
    I had this problem with my dag and my ex- boyfriend. When we first got the dag, all he did was follow around my ex. I would call him, and he would just look at me and turn his head. Now I am the only one he listens too. And he is VERY protective of his ';momma';!

    A good way to bond with your dog is by doing everyday things with him. Feeding him, taking him out, playing with toys, treats, etc. Take your dog for a walk in the park, let him smell all the smells. When you leave, and when you come in, give him a treat. Also it is good to talk to your dog, with a friendly voice, or even a stern voice.
    LOL! Do you help your wife around the house? Maybe this is her doing!

    Just kidding, on a serious note, maybe take the dog for walks, spend some time with him away from your wife. Maybe take him for rides in the car if that's something your wife doesn't do. He'll begin to come around when he realizes that it's fun to be around you also. Have something new for him. A new toy that only comes out when you play with him. Dogs love new stuff and get bored quickly with the same old toys.

    Good luck!
    He looks to your wife as his pack leader..dogs always butter up the Boss! lol

    the solution is for YOU to teach him basic obedience, and take him for walks on lead..Teaching is the very best way to bond with a dog, as soon as you begin requiring him to learn new tasks, you become the 'parent' or pack leader...or at least an equal..

    If you need tips for teaching the basics, come, sit, stay, heel, then email me..
    my jack russell is kind of the same I'm the mommy and my b/f is just a toy though, or a treat getter, I sometimes feel like the sleeping pad, he wants to sleep when he's with me but my boyfriend comes around and he likes to run over and give kisses and come back to me, you need to have your wife encourage him to go to you, and you only give him treats for awhile and play with him.... he'll come around too you need to be part of the PACK as people say, he just thinks your a visitor to his pack,
    Some breeds specifically choose one and only one person as their leader. Some breeds do not. Researching a breed before buying is very important so that you can learn these things and choose another breed if necessary.

    It could be your wife does most of what is needed for this dog, so naturally it aligns with her. Who does the feeding, grooming, cleaning up? I have generally found that the one who does the feeding, watering, etc is king/queen in the dogs eyes. Playing and spending time doesn't mean alot to a dog.

    Try trading off days of feeding. Your wife one day, you the next. It's good for both of you to know this and will give the dog a second person to look up to. Additionally, I highly recommend a 6 week obedience school to learn basic leash walking and other necessary commands with both of you attending and taking turns in the learning phase. This will get the dog more accustomed to having to listen and pay attention to both of you.

    What advice would you give to someone who is easily hurt by words?

    Can you give me some lines, sentences or words of courage.

    Thanks.What advice would you give to someone who is easily hurt by words?
    Ask help for Allah in dealing with this. If people you know are hurting you with their words, you should talk to them about it. Maybe you are more senstive than most other people and your difference should be recognized as a type of disability. There are people like that. Maybe you need to avoid some people and situations. And then also you should do your own behavioral therapy in which you build yourself to be stronger against hurtful things people are saying. Take refuge in Allah. Don't give up hope as you are working through this and reach out to others for help, like you have done now, when you are feeling down and need people to support you. Some people will give you more grief and no support, some will even attack you while you are down (Allah will take care of them eventually), but fortunately there are a number here who will give you support and send loving messages to you.

    You should try to work out differences with those who have said things to hurt you, if you can. Some people will say things to hurt you, then deny that they did it, and blame you for any conflict that comes after that when you try to defend yourself against the wrong thing they said about you. There are a couple or more people in this forum like that who have out of nowhere said lies about me and have attacked me and then blame me for defending myself against the attack. Meanwhile, I try to talk to the attacker in private email and the attacker either does not respond or plays games for awhile but won't actually work out the problem. When you come across people like this, try to remember that it is their personality disorder and ego trip (they have done these unfair things to feel powerful against someone) and that Allah has punishment in store for them if they don't make the time and effort to fix themselves to stop doing such attacks and setups against other people.What advice would you give to someone who is easily hurt by words?
    What has always worked for me is a tecnique of making believe there is an invisible bubble or shield around me at all times. When people are mean or rude, the words simply bounce right off the bubble back at them. But when people kind and nice, the bubble absorbs the words.

    Good luck.
    My advice wouyld not be to the one who is hurt by words. It would be to the one who has caused the hurt by way of words.

    My advice to such a person would be:

    ';Watch your mouth.';
    well, work on your self esteem. remember ' you CAN'T please everyone, so work on pleasing the ONE'.
    Don't be hurt by words. Be strong. Actions speak louder than words. Yes.
    i say do not be hurt by words , many times words get misunderstood , i am one of your american brothers and i know we all want the same thing , peace to allah
    Take your words into account as part of your actions, and do not say anything unless it is good.

    Imam Ali (A.S)

    What is the single most important gift of advice you have ever received?

    How did this advice change your life?

    For me, it was: ';You can choose to NOT be angry.';

    This gift of advice gave me conscious control of my emotions. By choosing to not be angry, I can be displeased with something and yet choose to not allow myself to become angry over it, when I would normally be very angry.

    Choosing to not be angry is an incredible power of self-control.

    NOTE: To all who respond. Please use my example as a blueprint. Provide just ONE gift of advice - THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE. And explain how it changed your life (which would clarify why it is the most imortant one).

    Thanks to all.

    A. Qurius MuseWhat is the single most important gift of advice you have ever received?
    I have received a lot of good advice in my life, so it's hard to know where start! Great question, thanks for asking it!

    I like this one in particular though, because it's so true. A teaching assistant once taught me that:

    ';You can be arrogant, or you can be stupid, but you can't be both.';

    Smart, arrogant people can't be sexy! However, the majority of arrogant people are pretty dumb. Every time one of them gets on their high horse, I think about this quote, and it makes me laugh!What is the single most important gift of advice you have ever received?
    '; It doesn't matter if anyone believes in your dreams - just because they think their opinion matter doesn't give them a right to vote on the success of your life! It'd be nice, it'd be help-full, but it's not necessary. God gave YOU the ability to achieve your dreams.'; - Pat Schatzline

    These statements changed my life because they revolutionized the way I think about my future - now it's not dependent on the kindness of a publishing house or the ability of someone else to see where my dreams are going; now it's just the end result of a wild and adventurous process.
    To take my bad experiences and start looking at them like learning experiences. So as not to make the same mistakes twice.

    This changed my life because for so long my life was bad, bad, and more bad. I started to fall apart and was always feeling sorry for myself and waiting for someone else to come along and fix my mistakes. And while I was waitng my life was passing by and I was making the same mistakes again and again.

    Those words just hit me in the face. I realized only I could change, I couldn't change the people in my life.

    My whole perspective on everything changed. I live different now. I'm happy now. Instead of crying and staying in bed for days when I get kicked down, I learn from it, I walk away with a new experience, maybe those experiences can help someone else.

    One more

    '; listen with caution, blind acceptance can be hazzardous to your health';

    That one is self explanatory.
    Learn To Listen

    Expose Your Self to that you wish to be..and anything relateting to or an extention of it..Remember your are what you eat.Nurture your ingestation..Man lives not by bread alone
    That we should be the change we wish to see in the world... it wasn't given specifically given to me, I saw it on a T-shirt.
    You are your own person and no one should be able to change you. Only you should to that. Make your own choices with the advice of others.
    ';Dream as if youll live forever, live as if youll die tomorrow';
    A teacher once responded to my first question, ';Probably';, then to my second question, ';Probably';, then to my third question, ';Probably'; and to my forth and fifth. At first I could not understand, but as time goes on, I understand him a bit more.
    Learn to rely on yourself and not others.

    Doesn't mean not to form relationships, but it means have some dignity and always know that you're in charge of your life.

    Best piece of advice my mother ever gave me....
    ';There will always be someone who hates you or disagrees with your choices. Do what you think is right for you.';

    This advice helped me to not worry about what others think of me and not listen to naysayers. It helped to feel more confident in my decisions because I am able to remove the guilt that comes from wanting to not make anyone else upset. Today, I am okay with having fewer friends because now I have friends who respect and support my right to live my life the way I see fit.
    Always tell the turth. Then I don't have to worry about a lie I told.
    suck it up b*tch

    Made me realize sulking was a waste of time.
    The advice was to for once in your life ask yourself why you believe what you believe and then to systematically examine your beliefs and prove to yourself that your beliefs are based upon reality. The advice is also sometimes stated as -

    place your trust not in what your parents have taught you no in what learned elders have taught you not in what ';the wise'; have taught you , but in what you have proven to yourself.

    Sometimes told to others as -

    Don't believe what I say just because I say it.

    First time I came across this advice I was about 14 years of age and read it in a discourse by Rene Descartes (creator of the Cartesian coordinate system) and also credited with the saying ';I think therefore I am';.

    Descartes postulated that most of our beliefs are based upon what we have been told is true and little is based upon what we have found to be true for ourselves.

    Your ';you can choose to be angry';

    had no meaning to you until you examined it and proved it to yourself to be true.

    At some point you were taught to be angry and that anger was a normal response to something. You ';unlearned'; this and proved to yourself something different.
    For me:

    ';Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones. ';

    This gift, helped further my faith and see miracles (literally) happen in my life. Also it makes easier to face things knowing He is facing them with/for me and victory is 100% there in every test of life.

    Is it better to ask complete strangers for advice rather than the ones you are closest to?

    If not, then why do so many people ask for advice on here rather than go to their loved ones?Is it better to ask complete strangers for advice rather than the ones you are closest to?
    Psychologists have done many studies on this. Some people disclose all sorta things to strangers on trains. Probably because the stranger will never see you again. They also have an objective view into your life - they are not enmeshed with you and your family. They are like a pseudo-counselor that gives you an objective second opinion.

    Loved ones usually have an agenda they are going to project onto you. They do not give objective advice usually, because sometimes they don't want to hurt your feelings or maybe because they don't know what they are taking about (your parents are a different matter, I am talking about extended family).

    That is maybe one of the reasons they seek an objective second opinion of a stranger.Is it better to ask complete strangers for advice rather than the ones you are closest to?
    Well, there are a lot more people on this site than you can dig up at home. However, it is true that you probably might want tp decide that yourself. You're loved ones may not want to hurt you or may want to ignore it. It reakky depends on the question. If it is something that is personal that some has to have an in-depth knowledge of you, you're personality, habits...etc, than I suggest you're family. Otherwise, on here there are more people and they all have different aproaches to certain things.

    Hope this helps, ;-).
    because loved ones or close friends might give you the wrong advice/answer so they wont hurt your feelings or ruin your friendship..strangers for the most part don't care..they don't know you so what the heck..tell it like it is
    strangers because they dnt have to lie to protect ur feelings but.....
    :P I'd say aska stranger xD

    They don't know you so they won't bother lying to protect your feelings. xD


    If you could talk to rick hendrick and give him advice what would it be?

    he already took mine take casey outIf you could talk to rick hendrick and give him advice what would it be?
    I think with the recent success of Hendrick, I would have no advice to give, I'd ask questions and RECIEVE advice instead.If you could talk to rick hendrick and give him advice what would it be?
    Hire a driver and or crew chief that actually has a personality and isn't so cookie cutter, someone who has a great resume but has an attitude. Maybe someone like Jeremy Mayfield or Regan Smith. Maybe a Jimmy Fennig or Pat Tryson. No that will never happen. He swaps Casey Mears for Mark Martin. WOW how exciting is that? His teams win, but how BORING!! Give me Kurt or Kyle Busch, Tony Stewart, Kevin Harvick, Denny Hamlin, anyone with a set of knads.
    Keep up the good work. But, I don't see him taking much advice from any of us!

    Don't put as much value into what a drivers last name is when making future decisions on who to hire and who to let go.
    Keep doing what your doing.
    Get a haircut....
  • oil acne
  • fashion makeup
  • Soon to be first time dad,what should I expect? Advice?

    My first child is on the way,the soon to be mom is 7 months. What should I expect going into the last months and birth if she's had REALLY bad mood swings throughout the whole pregnancy?Soon to be first time dad,what should I expect? Advice?
    The mom will be having more and more trouble finding a comfortable position to sleep. Pillows help, but take up a lot of room on the bed. If she's snoring more, don't be surprised, either.

    Bad mood swings are likely due to hormones, but this should not affect the labor. For labor, all you can do is prepare yourselves the best you know how and just understand that it may go as planned or differently.

    My labor didn't go the way I wanted(an easy basic delivery achieved through the power of breathing techniques) and I ended up needing a c-section. It was worth it, though, because I have a wonderful baby girl who is almost 10 months old.

    The first three weeks were the hardest. It was like boot camp and it was harder because of the surgery. My husband was great and really there, even when he was at his wit's end.

    There's a sense out there that everyone experiences some sort of magic when their baby is born and they are instantly in love and bestowed with magical parenting abilities and instincts. This is not necessarily the case. So what ever you are or aren't feeling, it's okay.

    Babies cry.

    Yes, I know you knew that, but ours cried when we changed her diaper, picked her up, put her down, or moved her in any way. I think that was just her way of letting us know she recognized there was movement. That eased up when she was 2 weeks old and my husband was thrilled at the first 'cry-free' diaper change.

    You just have to be open to taking things as they come and having a friend or parents to call, in the event that your sleepless brain is frying is a huge help.

    For the first 3 months, baby's developing nervous systems have difficulty in terms of calming when upset. The best thing is to hold them. If they cry, try feeding, check diaper, and then just hold them close to your body. They really like skin to skin contact and it helps development. Ours would always calm down when held, and especially liked skin to skin contact. In those first 3 months, hold the baby whenever he/she needs holding. You will not spoil the baby by holding him/her too much. Our baby began sleeping in her own crib at 2 months and is now mostly sleeping through the night.

    Everyone and their mother will be giving you advice(You hold her too much-you'll spoil her. You need to start feeding solid foods at 3 months(no doctor would recommend that). You should let her cry it out. Blah blah blah.) My mom's sister told her she should stop nursing me when I was 5 months and my mom felt pressured to listen because her sister already had an older child. Advice may be helpful to hear and may even be good, but, ultimately you and the mom are going to have your own instincts about your baby.

    One last piece of advice: It goes by SO FAST! Enjoy every stage and don't just wish for them to be able to feed themselves or whatever. I was just looking at photos of when ours was 1 month and I can't believe how the time has flown by. So just enjoy each stage and each day and each smile and burp and those tiny fingers and toes because those tiny fingers and toes will be big before you know it and you'll wonder where the time went.

    Congratulations and good luck to you and your family!Soon to be first time dad,what should I expect? Advice?
    First off expect a baby. Next no one can tell u how to become a dad no matter how many books u read nothing can prepare u for this moment in your life. All I can say is that it will be worth it. (oh and P.S. if the mom is havng a bad time be there for her)
    Check out some of these books:



    Good luck and congratulations!
    Oh congrats..Just read a lot about it...There is a book called what to expect for dads...Give her lots of tummy rubs and back rubs and feet....
    Your main answers for any of her questions regardless of what she asks, are as follows:


    NO you dont look fat
    My dads got scars on his chest from where my mum grabbed him during birth
    Be there for your partner. She'll balloon in the next couple of months, and be more like a tortoise than a hare. She'll find most aspects of life very difficult. Don't rush her, and be patient with her.

    Support her through labour, and really listen to her. She will know what she needs while she is birthing your baby.

    Please don't get upset if she tells you to leave her alone during proceedings. Labour is an emotional time for a woman, and sometimes women are very private over matters like this. I often told my husband that when I had a baby, I'd be like my cat when she birthed her kittens - I'd squirrel myself away as best I could (depending on the situation) and be totally by myself. As it turned out, I had a medically necessary c-section, which was wonderfully positive, and very comfortable.

    If this is her first baby, she'll also be all over the place with her emotions. Becoming a first time mum is very confronting and difficult for a woman if she hasn't had any experience with children before her baby is born. Give her time to bond with your baby, and get used to being a mother (even if that means leaving the two of them totally alone for a few hours after birth). Don't be alarmed if at some point, you walk into her hospital room and find her sitting on the bed, cradling the baby and crying her eyes out. I cried for a full day a couple of days after my daughter was born, because I was so overwhelmed, confused and scared.

    Your partner can help the baby by being there for him or her, constantly, for the first five months of his/her life. My daughter is a very secure little girl, because I did just that for her until she was six months old. I slept in the nursery with her, and got up to her every little squawk. She's now infectiously happy, and very confident.

    Your baby will probably have what seems like constant wind. My daughter was very ';colicky'; when she was little, so I learned a lot about how to deal with it.

    Pop him or her over your shoulder and rub/pat until he/she burps. It takes forever when the baby is young, but as they get older, they will burp themselves if you pop them over your shoulder and give them a couple of gentle rubs.

    A tip that a friend taught me to send a young baby to sleep is to hold them for 20 minutes. This may be obvious, but when you are at your wits end in the early days, it is like a heavenly cure.

    I hope my rambling answer helps in some way! Remember that it will only get better (hard to believe in the early days...they seem like endless night!). Good luck to you both!!

    Any advice for the owner of a dog that is attached to one person?

    Not literally attached - although you would almost think so - our rat terrier is crazy about my wife: greets her, follows her everywhere, obeys her commands, will do none of this for me. He's a puppy, just over 6 months old. Is there anything we can do to get him to take more of a shining to me? I've tried spending time with him, giving him treats (which he won't even take from me sometimes), etc., all of the common sense things that you would think would work. If not, is it possible he'll grow out of this when he gets older? We've had him about 2 months and he still barks when I come home from work - you'd think he'd be used to me by now.Any advice for the owner of a dog that is attached to one person?
    Sounds like he ignores you and does not recognize you as the authority figure.

    Walk him and when you do make him heel and you lead.

    Make him follow. You start feeding him once or twicer per day.

    You do any type of training with him at least one time per day.

    Once you start showing him you are the leader he will learn to take direction from you as well as your wife.Any advice for the owner of a dog that is attached to one person?
    I had this problem with my dag and my ex- boyfriend. When we first got the dag, all he did was follow around my ex. I would call him, and he would just look at me and turn his head. Now I am the only one he listens too. And he is VERY protective of his ';momma';!

    A good way to bond with your dog is by doing everyday things with him. Feeding him, taking him out, playing with toys, treats, etc. Take your dog for a walk in the park, let him smell all the smells. When you leave, and when you come in, give him a treat. Also it is good to talk to your dog, with a friendly voice, or even a stern voice.
    LOL! Do you help your wife around the house? Maybe this is her doing!

    Just kidding, on a serious note, maybe take the dog for walks, spend some time with him away from your wife. Maybe take him for rides in the car if that's something your wife doesn't do. He'll begin to come around when he realizes that it's fun to be around you also. Have something new for him. A new toy that only comes out when you play with him. Dogs love new stuff and get bored quickly with the same old toys.

    Good luck!
    He looks to your wife as his pack leader..dogs always butter up the Boss! lol

    the solution is for YOU to teach him basic obedience, and take him for walks on lead..Teaching is the very best way to bond with a dog, as soon as you begin requiring him to learn new tasks, you become the 'parent' or pack leader...or at least an equal..

    If you need tips for teaching the basics, come, sit, stay, heel, then email me..
    my jack russell is kind of the same I'm the mommy and my b/f is just a toy though, or a treat getter, I sometimes feel like the sleeping pad, he wants to sleep when he's with me but my boyfriend comes around and he likes to run over and give kisses and come back to me, you need to have your wife encourage him to go to you, and you only give him treats for awhile and play with him.... he'll come around too you need to be part of the PACK as people say, he just thinks your a visitor to his pack,
    Some breeds specifically choose one and only one person as their leader. Some breeds do not. Researching a breed before buying is very important so that you can learn these things and choose another breed if necessary.

    It could be your wife does most of what is needed for this dog, so naturally it aligns with her. Who does the feeding, grooming, cleaning up? I have generally found that the one who does the feeding, watering, etc is king/queen in the dogs eyes. Playing and spending time doesn't mean alot to a dog.

    Try trading off days of feeding. Your wife one day, you the next. It's good for both of you to know this and will give the dog a second person to look up to. Additionally, I highly recommend a 6 week obedience school to learn basic leash walking and other necessary commands with both of you attending and taking turns in the learning phase. This will get the dog more accustomed to having to listen and pay attention to both of you.