Sunday, August 22, 2010

Need advice on digital photo quality.. the requirements for entering a contest seem to be impossible.?

the rules are;

1- good quality image

2- maximum 500 kb

3- jpeg format

4- not to exceed 500 x 500 pixels

is this possible?? do i do it ??Need advice on digital photo quality.. the requirements for entering a contest seem to be impossible.?
I do stuff like this in photoshop all the time. I take a photograph, open it in photoshop, change the image size to whatever, and then save it as a jpg. Its really simple.Need advice on digital photo quality.. the requirements for entering a contest seem to be impossible.?
Do the words jpeg and good quality image belong in the same sentence? I don't think so. Run away.
thats possible...

in a photo editing software resize the pic so the biggest side is 500 pixels...and save it as a jpeg...pretty easy...

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