Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What advice would you give to someone who is easily hurt by words?

Can you give me some lines, sentences or words of courage.

Thanks.What advice would you give to someone who is easily hurt by words?
Ask help for Allah in dealing with this. If people you know are hurting you with their words, you should talk to them about it. Maybe you are more senstive than most other people and your difference should be recognized as a type of disability. There are people like that. Maybe you need to avoid some people and situations. And then also you should do your own behavioral therapy in which you build yourself to be stronger against hurtful things people are saying. Take refuge in Allah. Don't give up hope as you are working through this and reach out to others for help, like you have done now, when you are feeling down and need people to support you. Some people will give you more grief and no support, some will even attack you while you are down (Allah will take care of them eventually), but fortunately there are a number here who will give you support and send loving messages to you.

You should try to work out differences with those who have said things to hurt you, if you can. Some people will say things to hurt you, then deny that they did it, and blame you for any conflict that comes after that when you try to defend yourself against the wrong thing they said about you. There are a couple or more people in this forum like that who have out of nowhere said lies about me and have attacked me and then blame me for defending myself against the attack. Meanwhile, I try to talk to the attacker in private email and the attacker either does not respond or plays games for awhile but won't actually work out the problem. When you come across people like this, try to remember that it is their personality disorder and ego trip (they have done these unfair things to feel powerful against someone) and that Allah has punishment in store for them if they don't make the time and effort to fix themselves to stop doing such attacks and setups against other people.What advice would you give to someone who is easily hurt by words?
What has always worked for me is a tecnique of making believe there is an invisible bubble or shield around me at all times. When people are mean or rude, the words simply bounce right off the bubble back at them. But when people kind and nice, the bubble absorbs the words.

Good luck.
My advice wouyld not be to the one who is hurt by words. It would be to the one who has caused the hurt by way of words.

My advice to such a person would be:

';Watch your mouth.';
well, work on your self esteem. remember ' you CAN'T please everyone, so work on pleasing the ONE'.
Don't be hurt by words. Be strong. Actions speak louder than words. Yes.
i say do not be hurt by words , many times words get misunderstood , i am one of your american brothers and i know we all want the same thing , peace to allah
Take your words into account as part of your actions, and do not say anything unless it is good.

Imam Ali (A.S)

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