Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How much is a shitzu puppy worth & any advice on potty training?

My shitu puppy i have had since she was 8 weeks old.She has been crate trained %26amp; can hold her pup%26amp; urine for a long time but,still goes in the house. if i dont take her out every 20 to 30 minutes.I have put a bell hanging from the door in the kitchen, hoping she will one day hit it letting me know she has to go to the bathroom. Any tips would help and i cant afford training.Or advice on sitting %26amp; stay tips.How much is a shitzu puppy worth %26amp; any advice on potty training?
We have 2 Shih Tzu's. They have both been easy to house train as have our others. It depends on how much time you have to spend with your pet on training. We always took ours out every 1/2 hr - 45 minutes telling them ';Let's go potty'; or ';Potty time'; It they got the hang of it in no time. They were all potty trained by the time they were 3 - 3 1/2 months old. You just need to have patience and be steady in your training.

Shih Tzu's are smart, but they can also be quite stubborn. You just have to stand your ground.

As for price......... It depends on where you get them from.How much is a shitzu puppy worth %26amp; any advice on potty training?
I have a shitzu and from my own experience you can train them but you have to be consistent and it will takes a while but once they get it,they gonna do it for the rest of their life....just be patient.I train my shitzu on weewee pads and he really went there whenever he goes pee and he never miss it!They are the sweetest dog you can get!
free at shelters
I sold them for 300 each.

They don't housebreak easily. They aren't brilliant dogs. I loved them. They never bite.
u have to be patient when training cats and dogs toilet training i have a shitzu also he's such a good boy best thing for u to do is watch how ur dog acts (sniffs around doors etc) that usually means wants to be let out to go to the toilet or circles around itself is also another sign and because shes little shes still learning basic things if u have a garden take her out the back or front and wait to see if she needs to go reward her when she does and praise her she will soon get it hoped i helped

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