Sunday, August 22, 2010

Advice to teens on here posting their pics to see if they are attractive?

Confidence is the most appealing quality you can have. However, if you are going to post a pic, why not get rid of the ';gangsta'; looks on your faces? Looking like you are ready to pull out a box cutter and do some damage is not an attractive expression. OK?Advice to teens on here posting their pics to see if they are attractive?
Hahahahaha, nice.......Advice to teens on here posting their pics to see if they are attractive?
We are kids and plus i luv the gangsta look!! %26lt;3

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expression shmexpression, why not stand far enough away from the camera that we can actually see whether or not you're fat? Believe it or not, the face is probably #4, 5, or 6, in the places we generally look at you to determine if you're attractive.
Well said. Agree completely on the ';gangsta'; poses.... and I'm only 17!

Apart from all of that, it's incredibly dangerous to post pictures on here..who knows who may see them?

Good on you for posting this.
Agreed. Of course i'd like to see the ';myspace poses'; go, also known as the emo/scene poses. They irk me, but I guess you can't have everything.
What are you, our mom? We do what we want, it's got nothing to do with you, kk? %26gt;)
totally agree!
Stupid is as stupid looks. That's all i got
haha i totally agree :)
exactly what is your question?
lol their just being kids

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