Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why is it so easy to give advice to others but so hard to apply your own advice to your own problems?

I don't think many people can do that though. How can I improve in this area?Why is it so easy to give advice to others but so hard to apply your own advice to your own problems?
R: It may be because your problem is different. Have you tried leaving your advice in your mail box?

DS:Cuz we do it fur lulz!

R:Maybe you should try asking for help, it works sometimes.

DS:We rarely lulz at ourselves!Why is it so easy to give advice to others but so hard to apply your own advice to your own problems?
Well a lot of it is pride...and its very easy to criticize others...many time the things that we hate in others is a reflection of something in ourselves...

Proverbs has a scripture in it that says pull the board out of your own eye before you try to pull the splinter out of your I have allowed the Lord to show me where I am missing it and need to heal...It works much better when the Lord gives you revelation because as a double edge sword...when it goes into the flesh, He takes it out, as it goes in it can be painful...but with the other side of the sword as it goes out he seals up the wound and brings that too deep for you?
Most times we know of a solution only after the problem has happened to us. Sometimes the solution isn't clear until after much time has past.

We then try to make others aware, so they won't be hurst as we were.
Because when you advise other people, you don't see the issue as such a big deal as opposed to if you were trying to figure out your own problem.
Advice is usually hard to implement so we take heart in the hope that someone else implements it.
Lol read books? Or like try to know everything you dont already know..thats what schools for i guess.

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