Thursday, August 19, 2010

Any advice for a soon to be sailor?

Well, I've been in 15 years. I have plenty advice.

Do what you are told. period.

Sounds easy and too many people can't figure it out.

Don't violate the UCMJ or civilian laws.

Again, too many sailors that can not figure this out.

Don't whine.

Everyone has already heard it and they don't care.

Do your best everyday, regardless of the job or you boss.

Follow these and you will do great for atleast the first 4 years.Any advice for a soon to be sailor?
Choose your friends very, very carefully. You will meet people who will guide you down the right or the wrong road. The Navy has NO sense of humor. You decide to become a drinker, doper, wize azz the Navy will win.

Or it can be a rewarding career or interesting part of your resume. See, do and learn things that very few get a chance at.

Learn to recognize the difference.

Choose your friends and your attitude carefully.Any advice for a soon to be sailor?
Before you go on that ship you better pleasure yourself with all the girls you can because when your on that ship it's all guys around you!
I was a sailor for some years. the sea is very boring - that's why there's sailor songs. Learn plenty of them.
Go officer! Be able to tolerate a bunch of chet.

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