Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Im goin to be buying a pit bull any good advice?

The best advice I can give you is to buy your pup from a Reputable American Pit Bull Terrier Breeder, make sure you are able to see both parents. Good Luck.Im goin to be buying a pit bull any good advice?
when my bf was looking 4 1 he meet the parents did research and played with all the puppies till he found 1 that had the right personality. instead of goin to a breeder go to a local pound they somtimes have great puppies and young dogs. but if you have never owned one do research. hope this helpsIm goin to be buying a pit bull any good advice?
Do your homework on the breed and talk with people who have owned pit bulls. This breed can be a great companion, however it may not do well in all homes or situations. There are some good resources online for more information about the reality of living with this breed such as, Bad Rap. They will list the pros %26amp; cons of the breed and provide good tips on what to expect and how to train them.

There are a high number of pit bulls in animal shelters and if you have other pets or children in your household you might consider going to a reputable rescue organization or breeder. The shelter dogs can make great pets, however you do not know their history or experiences with people and animals.
First DON'T buy one if you'r just looking to have a BIG COOL dog..

If you serious about gtting one for the good thing's the breed has to offer %26amp; YES their are PLENTY of good thing's about them...

You'll need to check in to you'r area's law's about having a Pitt..

Reguardless of what you or I may think their are places you cannot have them at all..

Then look in to the breeder's in you'r area don't go out %26amp; buy the first cute puppy you see..

Do you'r homework on the breed--breeder's %26amp; their dog's..

Interact with the parent's %26amp; fine out if the breeder has a contract %26amp; what is covered in that contract..

Ask for refrences %26amp; talk to past buyer's (Ask LOT'S of question's)

Their are LOT'S of site's you can look at that will help you choose the right puppy for you..

Find a good obiedence class %26amp; sign up..

Once you get you'r puppy give him/hr lot's of love %26amp; have fun !!!

Good Luck :)
Be very loving to him/her. It's all in the upbringing. Just like kids. You raise them right they will be great dogs.
I would opt to adopt one from a local shelter. There are tons of them in shelters due to the bad press they recieve and most are puppies or younger adults. As with any dog, training is key, it's never too early to start. Train him/her well and you'll have a wonderful companion, and a great representative for the breed :) Pit Bulls are great dogs, good luck!
Well, first things first, DON'T teach it to be agressive. I get sooo sick of hearing people talk about how agressive these dogs are, when in reality, they are some of the sweetest dogs. It's not the animal's fault necessarily that it's agressive, it's the people's fault for teaching it to be agressive. Secondly, you should train it from a very early age. Pits are very beautiful dogs, and when they are trained properly, they are so wonderful to have. They are well-mannered and very good listeners, but again, you have to train them when they are real young. Other than that, love the animal and take care of the animal, and you will have a friend for life!!!!
Well don't feel Like if your Pit Bull will hurt you because it won't and if you want to train it try to teach it step by step and don't eat then teach it because it will jump on you on lick you untill you smell like a human to him/her also be nice to him/her and play with him/her when they are little then they will be a fun dog when it grows up.
well people will say stupid things and mean about pits but dont pay ne attiton to there ignorate asses i say if they do say some thing go with what u feel and pay them no attition i have never had a pit but my fam has and they are good dogs they like to play alot well some do thankx i hope i helped
Many people think that Pit Bulls are very mean. I have a boxer/pit mix and she is the sweetest thing ever. Just make sure that who you get it from has great dogs and are not aggressive towards them. They are only mean if you treat them that way. I think that pit's are very beautiful.

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