Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is the one greatest piece of advice you could offer as a parent, to new/expecting parents?

I am not expecting... but I am thinking about the kids question, and starting to research different parenting techniques. I figured to have one place where lots of parents weigh in with their greatest advice could be a great resource for new parents. Thanks in advance!What is the one greatest piece of advice you could offer as a parent, to new/expecting parents?
As the mother of a 15 year old ADHD child the best advice I ever got was to pick your battles. Think ';is this really worth fighting over'; before you startt he fight and then if it is worth the fight, when you do say NO it means NO don't give in. Also practice using yes more than no and your no's will mean more. Instead of NO cookie! say yes you can have the cookie after dinner, etc. I have two children and could go on for days but that is the best adive I ever got.What is the one greatest piece of advice you could offer as a parent, to new/expecting parents?
As a parent of four grown children, 12 grandchildren and really close to a great grandchild, I'm miffed on just one piece of advice when so many are out there, but here goes:

Don't make a promise you can't keep!

expect the unexpected

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