Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is the wisest piece of advice you've ever given or received?

Always go with your gut.

Act, don't react.

Do the right thing; then you can sleep at night.What is the wisest piece of advice you've ever given or received?
My science teacher this past year used to say ';Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.'; He had even typed it up and made it a poster on his wall.

My brother had given me similar advice a few years before when my mom forced me to go to New York with her for a week or two for my cousin's graduation and stuff and in the weeks before we left all I did was complain. My brother told me that if I kept thinking the trip was gonna suck or that I wouldn't enjoy it at all, then I wouldn't. What is the wisest piece of advice you've ever given or received?
I was told to live life to the fullest. Live everyday with appreciation for what I have... My grandmother used to tell me that all the time and let me tell you it is true. I realized it after she passed away! If you worry to much or analyze things to much you can easily be let down. But if you live every day the best you can... then you wont have any regrets in the end. She was right... I have a handsome lil boy and im blessed with a great husband and our second child is on the way. Everyone deserves to be happy!
';If you worry, you're not putting your trust in God.';

From my Pastor when I found out my ex was pregnant...we were 14. Now she's left me with my daughter, I got a new girlfriend, and yaddah yaddah. So yes, that advice really is true. Everything is fine now.

Yes, I'm a fifteen year old guy, who is Christian, has a 14 month old daughter, and I'm NOT afraid to admit it. I'm PROUD of being Christian, so go ahead and give me a thumbs down. I don't care.
My grandmother told me one day that the longer I spend watching the rain fall, the longer it will take for the sun to come. What she meant was that the longer I spent worrying about the future, the harder it would be to see positive results. It has really helped me through some dark shadows. Thank you Nana Kay!
I don't know the exact wording.... but here it is in a summary!

Take risks, and speak your mind, because what if tomorrow never comes!

^ examples of that is like telling somone you love them, because what if they find a new person right when you find the courage to tell them?


';don't cry because its over... smile because it happened!';
What's happening in your life right now does not last your whole life. I got that from one of my teachers. She teaches one of the few classes I've taken in my school years where I'm actually gonna use what I learn in there in real life. LOL
lol i get alot from my dad everyday..but right now i cant think of alot...but since im eating right now i remember him saying once..'dont live to eat, eat to live' great huh? lol
if your happy about your decision then dont worry about what people have to say about it
Be yourself or Confidence is everything
don't hate roses

because they have thorns;;

love thorns

because they have roses.
';If you cry because theres no moon, your own tears wont let you see the stars.';
Don't believe every piece of advise you get!
Treat people the way you expect people to treat you
youll miss 100% of the shots you never take

- my grade 7 teacher/basketball coach :)

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