Sunday, August 22, 2010

My boy and me are gonna be having sex and he asked me things i need advice on..?

he doesnt want to use a condom, i told him ok. only because i know he has no diseases or far as pregnant im just gonna hope i dont get knocked up ha. then he asked if he could 'bust' in me and i said we will see.

but, that isnt the smartest thing to either, is it?

btw were both 17 and really love eachother.My boy and me are gonna be having sex and he asked me things i need advice on..?
you are a retard.

Dont let him bust in you because i dont want a bunch of your idiot babies on this earth.My boy and me are gonna be having sex and he asked me things i need advice on..?
i suggest not doing this
not really the smartest thing to do as you are extremely likely to get pregnant and even though you know he's clean you should still wear a condom as you can catch something or incase he comes early then you wont have a choice if you want it to happen
Well if you are going to be having sex regularly i suggest you go on the pill a month prior to sex... that way you can have sex without a condom. Tho i would still suggest using a condom. Incase you do not wanna go on the pill u should have an emergency abortion pill within 72 hours of having sex so there are no chances of you getting pregnant.
that just being irresponsible, heres what could get knocked up you get pregnant. What do you do? raise an accident child?, get an abortion for 500 dollars? Is it all worth it? no. Keep your legs closed unless he puts on a rubber. Dont be stupid
he is simply just trying to fufill that 17 year old fantasy trust me, after this, and when you call him telling him you maybe pregnant he is going to freak out trust me lol. I mean fine have sex, but always use a condom seriously you will regret it!

the best advice is to tell him yes just to turn him on lol but dont really let him do it!

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