Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fish tanks advice! this will be fun to answer! ?

im 14 years old and im spending 75 on my ten gallon tank!!!

what should i put in my tank to make it extra nice give me all the things you can think of! remeber i already have the tank filter and fish! just give me adviceeFish tanks advice! this will be fun to answer! ?
Spend the 75 on a bigger tank when a nice 55g comes up, fully equipped, on Craigslist or similar.

Your 10g will then be a quarantine tank. A QT tank can still look nice, decor can be as simple as a couple of river rocks (cobbles) from a landscaper and a bunch of java fern.Fish tanks advice! this will be fun to answer! ?
yes i dont reccomend getting 10 get 20 if u want to u need a heater,air pump for meaking the fish breathe and to live longer and the heater is for warming the fish most fishes are tropical fish so they need a heater and a filter to take all the left over food and poop and its makes the water moving so the fish pee dson t stay in one spot, some gravel and hiding spot just incase your fishes have babies and some live plants whould be good for more oxygen hope i helped and i hope i get 10 points :)also gets for sure the air pump without that they will die its around 15$ in total and a heater is around 10 - 20 depend on which one u want and filter is 10 $ oh yea i have a 10 gallon tank and its really cool and fun to look at reliefs stress as well and remeber to get gravel and some toys in there thatas it
get some colored rocks to put on the bottom. my rocks are purple and black so then the feces blends in. then my fish really liked some places to hide. so i got a shell to put in there, and he really liked to go inside there. there are also plants that you can put in there for the fish to eat.
for the fish setup: make sure yoou cycled ur tank first. %26amp;%26amp; research these fish.

choose only one

a centerpiece fish: only 1 a betta or dwarf gourami

schooling fish: 4-6 tetras, danios or the genetic danios called GLOfish.

and bottom feeders: 2-4 cories, otos, or ghost shrimp
I would say, how do you want your tank to look? If you like plants and stuff like that, get some live plants and fake ones. Or landscape with castles(hiding spaces)bubble statues(that uses your air pump and airlines). It's what you like my friend.

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