Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What advice would you give to an unhappy abused person who is suffering in silence?

This is in response to an answer in one of my other questions. SO what advice could you give this person who is unhappy and feels they can't leave the abuser?What advice would you give to an unhappy abused person who is suffering in silence?
Hi MrsBAdGrumble,

Offer a lending ear %26amp; then at the same time try talking to the person, give them advice on raisining children in an abusive relationship (what happens to children raised in a abusive relationship when they grow up-statastics).

Is it really worth losing respect for yourself, there's other fish in the sea (men/females) so to speak. Take pictures, collect evidence (especially for courts, police reporrts) call police, give the literature on shelters/crisis shelters in the area that they live in. Good luck I hope this helps %26amp; have a good day. :0)

Additional Details: Eventually the person will see this for herself especially if she goes to the hospital enough-I've been there %26amp; done that %26amp; thankful for all the people who helped--hooray I can finally stand on my own two feet.What advice would you give to an unhappy abused person who is suffering in silence?
Hi MrsBAdGrumble,

THanks for the rating now go help your friend %26amp; have a good day. :0)

Report Abuse

I would try first of all to take them out for the situation as much as possible and show them *normality* . I would spend wuality time with them and talk to them . Let them talk to me mostly and not push the subject so as to not push them away .

Most of all I would be there for them and make sure they knew I was there for them ..
I would say to them

Gather your strength and move along, just walk away from the abuse.
don't suffer, speak to someone and if you are being abused go to the POLICE

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