Sunday, August 22, 2010

I'm going to be a bridesmaid in a wedding. This is my first time. Does anyone have any advice for me?

I want advice on walking down the aisle and bridesmaid's gifts. ThanksI'm going to be a bridesmaid in a wedding. This is my first time. Does anyone have any advice for me?
Walking down the aisle: walk slowly and smile

The gifts: they are from the bride to you. You'll probably be asked to attend the bridal shower though and the bachelerotte party.

Best advice: relax and try to enjoy yourself. Try to remember that although your friend may turn into Bridezilla, she really is a great person to know.I'm going to be a bridesmaid in a wedding. This is my first time. Does anyone have any advice for me?
Walk the way the bride tells you to. Smile and look forward, making sure not to look around to see who's looking at you. The wedding is not about you. Gifts? Simple %26amp; elegant. Tiffany's has some great, affordable bracelets ($200).

Whatever you do, don't try to upstage the bride. Help her shine and you'll be adored by everyone!
They'll let you know about walking down the aisle at the rehearsal. You don't give bridesmaid gifts- you receive them.

Best advice- even the nicest girl gets weird with wedding planning. You may have to wear an ugly dress or put up with irrational behavior. My advice is to just suck it up and just be supportive of your friend..she'll be back to herself after the stress of the wedding is done :)
Remember this is her're just window dressing.
make sure the day is abt the bride. ull be fine....its rly fun!!!!!!!!!!!
1) Take off your cowboy hat.

2) The day is about the bride, appreciate and listen to her feelings

3) As far as gifts go, see if the bride and groom are registered anywhere. That would make things very easy. If not, you obviously know them well enough to be a bridesmaid, you'll pick something amazing :D
Stay calm and use a good deoderant and also be happy for the bride--- DONT HIT ON THE GROOM LIKE I DID
make sure ur dress fits!!! my sister got married and i didnt try my dress on after if got fitted and it was a lil tight on the bust. i seriously looked like i was popping out! but have fun, dont walk down the aisle with the flowers covering your face, and at the reception get drunk!!! you deserve it after all the work ur gonna put towards the wedding.

dont answer ur fone
they'll explain how they want you to walk down the aisle at the rehearsal, the day b/f the wedding. Just make sure the bride has the best # to reach you, make you know what dress you're wearing, shoes, how you should do your hair (some bride's don't care, but some like the bridesmaids to look identical), etc.

bride'smaids gifts are the gifts the bride gives her maids. You just get a gift for their you would if you weren't a bride's maid.

Talk to the maid of honor about whether there's going to be a bachlorette party, or anything else you'll want to be involved in.

You can be as involved as you want.
get nice dress to wear.

You have to buy a gift.

you walk behind friend that getting marriage , u walk slow , just smile and calm.

say congrat to ur friend
ughh just act normal, and look good and ur set, b happy and ur set!!
good luck. it is realy fun but it can be a pain. just remember that your just a decoration that day for your friend wedding. and have fun
Be nice and do everything she asks you to. Your day will come where you can do the same!
Hi umm this isn't about the question but...

you left me an answer about where to find webkinz googles and you said at hallmark...but which hallmark...could you give me an address....e-mail me

Don't stop being friends with the bride even if she turns out to be a Bridezilla! The bride is supposed to buy bridesmaids gifts, so I wouldn't worry about that. And, don't worry about how to walk down the aisle, because at the wedding rehearsal they will tell you how they want you to do it. Every wedding is so different. You really don't have to do anything until you're a bride.
Just have fun and make the bride happy.
get very drunk and hit on the groom, new brides love that...

sorry, couldn't help it...
  • oil acne
  • lips
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