Sunday, August 22, 2010

Any good advice for this confusion, will be really appreaciate. any help pls?

I am 20 years old. I used to study graphic design but I notify that I did not like this career so I transferred to design of interiors. For when this happened, I met the one who nowadays is my fianc茅. I started to work for that, for March of this year, my fianc茅 asked for a fiancee visa so we could live together and get marry in USA. Within that year of working, I could not continue with my studies since the schedule of work was very strong. My father who was paying my studies, did not believe that it would keep on being a good idea to keep on paying a private college since in the end, I was not going to finish it because I would be going away to the USA. So now I have joined again, but in a public college IN ANOTHER CAREER which lasts 5 years (architecture) but I am afraid that it could happen the same that I spent previously, (that I didn't complete the study program). Now what can I do? Will this be a waste of time? Should I asked my fiance to come and live here in the meantime?Any good advice for this confusion, will be really appreaciate. any help pls?
You should finish school, so that you will always have something to fall back on... if your fiance' really loves you he will want the best for you and that is finishing school. You can ask if he will come there but if not it is not the end of the world, also it will give you time to make sure this is the right decision to get married so young...Any good advice for this confusion, will be really appreaciate. any help pls?
School is a number one priority. Definitely finish school first. If your finance doesn't understand this... you will be off to a bad start in your marriage.

Education is necessary so you can be independent and always have a good career. No education - very bad job.

Stick with it.
if it is an a credited school the credits can be transferred to any other a credited school in the world however there may be some loss of credits but still you will not loose everything. I think coming to US should be your primary objective unless you have 2nd thots about your finance which I find hard to believe.
School should be number one. You have to do what is right for you and that is getting a career underway. Your fiance should understand that you want to wait until you finish school before the two of you get married. Besides, if you came to the US on a fiance visa - it could take a while for your permanent resident application to be approved, which would mean you could not start school until you had your permanent resident card in your hand. Or you could always come to the US on a student visa and still be with your fiance.

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