Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is the best peice of advice you could give a newly engaged woman?

Go through premarital counseling. Some pastors/ministers/clergy require it to marry you but it is worth doing even if they don't.What is the best peice of advice you could give a newly engaged woman?
I've read your other 2 questions, you sound really unsure about this whole thing. I think it stems from the fact that you have only been with your fiance for just over 6 months. That is not a long time to know a person before committing to forever with them.

I think you need to talk to your fiance about the speed of your relationship, because obviously you need more time to get used to the commitment of a long-term relationship and eventually the ultimate commitment of marriage.

If you don't discuss these things with your partner you may start to panic, or resent the pressure, it may be something that needs more that just time.

Firstly, I recommend not setting a date or even beginning to talk about planning the wedding until you feel 100% comfortable and confident that this is what you want. You don't want to get caught up in a whirl-wind romance that you may later regret rushing. You love him, and he probably is the one, but you obviously need more time to truly discover and be confident in that.

Wait a year or two, a year is not a long time to date someone before getting engaged, two years isn't either. I was with my boyfriend for 3.5 years before he proposed, and I have never had a doubt about the decision to get married since he got down on one knee.

If you aren't sure, you need to take the steps and time it will take to be sure. Your engagement and wedding should be the happiest time of your life, and you and your partner should communicate with each other about how to make it so.

Good Luck!What is the best peice of advice you could give a newly engaged woman?
Enjoy your engagement. Don't get so caught up in the wedding details that you don't have fun at the wedding. Just keep it simple and easy and fun.

There is no need to go into debt for a wedding- set a budget and stick to it. Pictures are really the only things that will last and give you enjoyment forever, that is where I didn't have a problem investing money in a good photographer.


I'm with JMD72- elope- and spend the money on your honeymoon. It saves tons of stress.

The honeymoon, you should still keep a budget but do something fun. It may be a long time before you are able to get away for a week or two- just the two of you- I don't have a problem spending a little money for that either.
elope :+)

if that isn't an option...and I expect a lot of thumbs down BUT...yes- it's YOUR day...however it really isn't unless you take charge of everything- and pay for everything yourself. Once you allow family to help financially, trust me- it is no longer your day. But the most important thing to remember as the big day approaches- you'll get through it!!

Don't get caught up in the stressful planning that you start acting like a bridezilla. Remember that your family and freinds will be there for you even after everything is said and done as long as you respect them.
-Its okay to go to bed angry sometimes. People need time to think sometimes.

-Not everybody has the OMG this is my dress moment

-Don't let people plan your wedding for you, its YOUR wedding not theirs

- It really does fly by- enjoy it!
Get married at the courthouse.

It is AWESOME, costs next to nothing and is a LOT less stressful and intimate.

Then you can spend your money on the reception, which is the only part anyone actually cares about.
Keep your eyes on the prize.

No matter what comes along with family, friends, stress, or life, the two of you are going to be together forever, don't let anything distract you from that.
Just think it through, make sure it is what you want. Marriage is ';forever';. Unless you feel like going through the divorce process. Just think think think think it through!!!
Don't let the wedding become more important than the marriage. Try not to inundate your fiance with wedding talk, because most men really don't want to hear it. Congratulations, and good luck!
Don't get distracted/obsessed only about the wedding day - you two have a marriage to look forward to.

Spend time together DATING still, and don't talk about the wedding!
Pick your battles wisely! (with husband).

Don't let other people talk you into having the kind of wedding you do not want.
May the last words you speak everytime you turn paths or meet again be I love you.
Stay away from your mother in law and love your future husband
Make sure it's not just the ring you're saying yes to!
Don't stress over the wedding.

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