Tuesday, August 24, 2010

If you could talk to rick hendrick and give him advice what would it be?

he already took mine take casey outIf you could talk to rick hendrick and give him advice what would it be?
I think with the recent success of Hendrick, I would have no advice to give, I'd ask questions and RECIEVE advice instead.If you could talk to rick hendrick and give him advice what would it be?
Hire a driver and or crew chief that actually has a personality and isn't so cookie cutter, someone who has a great resume but has an attitude. Maybe someone like Jeremy Mayfield or Regan Smith. Maybe a Jimmy Fennig or Pat Tryson. No that will never happen. He swaps Casey Mears for Mark Martin. WOW how exciting is that? His teams win, but how BORING!! Give me Kurt or Kyle Busch, Tony Stewart, Kevin Harvick, Denny Hamlin, anyone with a set of knads.
Keep up the good work. But, I don't see him taking much advice from any of us!

Don't put as much value into what a drivers last name is when making future decisions on who to hire and who to let go.
Keep doing what your doing.
Get a haircut....
  • oil acne
  • fashion makeup
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