Sunday, August 22, 2010

Needs some advice..might be purchasing a mac ?

I am a student starting university soon. All my life ive been using a windows machine and its time for a change. Currently i have a windows xp pc at home. I'm not too keen on getting vista soon there is alot of uncertainty about it. I was thinking of getting a mac.

What are the benefits for using a mac over windows vista i heard its more easier and convenient to use? The main thing I'm interested in about is how it operating preforms and differs from vista pros and cons etc.Needs some advice..might be purchasing a mac ?
I got a Mac in June, and they are soo much easier to maneuver.

They don't freeze up, they run faster, they have lots of applications already loaded on to them that you would have to load on to a Windows computer. also iTunes is already on it, iPhoto where you can edit and upload pictures on it, iMovie to create movies, iChat which is like AIM, Adress Book, Garageband where you can create music and much more. but buy a Mac, its wayy better then Windows XP computers.

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