Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What advice do u have if I were to move to NYC for the first time?

What area would suit me money wise if I were to just work in retail working probably like 40hrs a week. Can I get a studio or a 1br apartment making probably like 7-8$ an hr?What advice do u have if I were to move to NYC for the first time?
I hate to burst your bubble but you will not survive on $7-8 an hour here. Not even if you live in the crappiest apartment in the worst neighborhood. Studios in Manhattan are around $2000 a month. In the other boroughs, they probably start around $800. Trust me, I have to live in Bronx and I make over $60,000 a year (which does not go very far in NYC). You will need to get many roommates and probably live somewhere like the BX or Staten Island to keep from sleeping on the street.

If you move here, make sure you have a ton of money saved up. If possible, try to get a job before you arrive. And if I were you, I would not work retail. I would try to find something more lucrative if I want to stay here for awhile.What advice do u have if I were to move to NYC for the first time?
my advice would be do it or regret it. It is going to be hard (and I you will make more than $7-$8/hour, do some research). I still regret not moving into the city sooner (waited til I was 30, so I could afford a nice place, but I missed out on so much)
Umm, no you cannot get even a room if you work 40 hours a week and make 10 dollars an hour. A small apartment in NYC will run at minimum around 1200 a month. After taxes 10 bucks an hour is only 300 a week. So it would be undoable. Even the cheapest area with more than an hour commute would be 700-900 a month.....so paying bills other than rent would even be tough...A metrocard is 74 a month.
Does the apartment have to be in a relatively safe neighborhood and have those little extras like heat, electricity, running water, doors, and glass in the windows? Or how many other families are you willing to share a room with?
Your kidding right???

1st off even McDonalds pays more that $8.00 an hour in NY.
Is this a joke?! I don't mean to be the one to burst your bubble, but you can't live in NY off that salary. I make about $50,000 a year and I'm living close to poverty here.

It's not that it wouldn't be pretty to live in NY off $8, but it's just not possible. Even a studio in the worst neighborhood in NY is going to cost $1000 a month.

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