Thursday, August 19, 2010

Boy advice needed- BEST ANSWER WILL BE CHOSEN?


if a guy really really likes a girl (who is just an acquaintance) - why wouldnt he tell his friend who is also interested (And knows her less) to back off?!?!

is it just coz he is a nice guy? or is it a sign his friend is really interested?Boy advice needed- BEST ANSWER WILL BE CHOSEN?
I would say that its because ultimately its not up to him.

he cant just tell his friend to back off, he doesn't own this girl he is interested in and so its really her decision to decide which boy she wants to date.

By not telling this friend to back off, he is showing the girl that he respects her choice in who she wants to be with, and through this he is showing his maturity.

Im a girl, and if a guy who liked me, told another guy to 'back off' i would not like that at all! it would look like the guy thought he owned me and i would definatly not want to date him.

i know some girls like to see jealousy, and while its kind of nice at the start, it gets really old, really fast. no girl wants to be treated like a possession.

i hope that helps!Boy advice needed- BEST ANSWER WILL BE CHOSEN?
Maybe because he doesnt want to reck the other guys chances with her?

Just because he likes her, doesnt mean he has to cut off every other guy who has an interest with her?

Also he might think if he tells the other guy to back off then thats sounding abit over reactive as they are only acqaintances.

Whatever the answer is, this girl will choose the one she wants to be with either way.
He is either a nice guy and wanting his friend to be happy, might be secretly crushing and not wanting to do anything until he has the girl, or it might just be a guy thing. Hope this helps :)
could be both or that he doesnt want to let on how interested he really is because that means he has to let down his guard a little.
My answer would be that the guy is not hurting anyone feeling, but the other friend is really intreasted.
tell him!

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